Father-Daughter Day Pt.2/Ch.6

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Travis's POV

"Then why do people at school not think so?" Gracie sobs.

Oh my god. People better not be bullying her, or I swear to God we're going to have problems. I need to contain myself though.

"Oh Gracie...It doesn't matter what people at school think sweetheart. They all are a bunch of jerks who are just jealous of you, trust me. They're jealous because they aren't as pretty as you, smart as you, loving as you, and don't have an awesome family like you. They just want to make you feel bad in order to make themselves feel good." I say while holding her head to my shoulder playing with her hair.

She doesn't say anything.

"Why didn't you let me, or mom know people were bullying you baby? You know we would've had your back." I ask.

She looks up and starts picking at her nails. I slowly pull her hands apart and lift her face towards mine.

"I just...didn't want y'all to do anything and make it worse. I also know mom's busy and has enough on her plate. The last thing I wanted was for y'all to be worried about me." She said quietly, almost like she was scared to.

"Baby, it's not your job to worry about us. That's our job." I said brushing some hair out of her face.

She got up and grabbed the clothes off the racks and sighed.

"It's fine. It's not a big deal anyways." She spoke.

I got up to follow after her.

"But it is a big deal, Gracie. You are only twelve and you're feeling this way about yourself. That's not a good thing." I argued.

"Seriously Travis. I'm fine." She responded.

"Well obviously you're not fine if you just spent fifteen minutes crying about how you feel." I said back.

She stopped before she opened the door and screamed, "Can you just let it go? I said it's not a big deal, okay?"

I paused, too stunned to speak. She opened the door and walked out so I followed after her.

"Are you getting all of the clothes?" I ask.

"Not the dress." She says annoyed.

"Okay well I'm going to get the dress anyways because I think it looks super cute on you." I responded.

"Whatever." She says, rolling her eyes.

I hand her my card and let her go to the cash register herself while I stay back and text Taylor.

(Texts to Taylor)


Hey, we're just getting done at the first store. Gracie said some things that were a bit concerning, I'll tell you more when we get home. I think it would be a good idea to talk to her.

Okay...Hope y'all have fun. Tell Gracie I love her.

Will do. But I'm jealous...

Love you too, Travis.

I Love you baby. See you later.

(End of texts)

Gracie comes over to me after she pays.

"Okay, where to next? Maybe we should get something to eat?" I ask.

"Sure..." She said hesitantly.

"Okay well where do you wanna go?" I ask.

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