The Fourteenth Pt.1/Ch.8

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(1433 Words)

A continuation of 'The Thirteenth', but it didn't feel right to keep adding this stuff onto a chapter about her birthday.

Gracie's POV

Eventually, I went back to my room and sat on my bed, hugging my knees to my chest. I wanted to cry, but instead, I stared at the bracelet on my wrist, the one my mom had given me just a few hours ago. It was supposed to remind me that I was special, but right now, all I could think about was how scared I was. Scared my mom or the baby weren't okay and as much as I didn't want another sibling, I was starting to accept it.

Minutes felt like hours. I couldn't sleep, couldn't think about anything but my mom. I kept checking my phone, hoping for a message, anything, but there was nothing. The house felt too quiet, too big, and for the first time in a long time, I felt small. I wished I could talk to someone, but I didn't want to wake my sisters, they wouldn't even understand.

I decided to text Travis:

Me: Hey, is mom okay? I didn't want to say anything earlier, but I saw y'all rush out the house.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Travis.

Travis: She's okay. The baby's okay. It was just some cramps, nothing serious. We'll be home soon. Love you.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Relief washed over me, and I sank back onto my bed, my body finally relaxing. I stared up at the ceiling, tears pricking her eyes. The fear I had felt was still there, lingering, but knowing my mom and the baby were okay eased the tightness in my chest.

When my mom and step-dad got home a little while later, I pretended to be asleep, even though I was wide awake. I heard them moving through the house quietly, making sure not to disturb anyone. There was a light tap on my door, and then Travis peeked inside, just to check on me I guess. I could feel his presence, and though I didn't open my eyes, I felt a deep sense of gratitude that everything had turned out okay.

After he had left, I finally let myself drift off to sleep, holding my bracelet close. Tonight reminded me just how fragile life could be–and how much I truly cared about my family.

The next morning, I woke up to an unsettling quiet. The sun streamed softly through my bedroom window, but the usual sounds of my family bustling around the house were missing. No excited chatter from my little sisters, no noise from the kitchen. Just an eerie stillness.

I sat up, my heart sinking as I remembered the night before. My mom and Travis had rushed out, and even though Travis had texted me that everything seemed fine, something didn't feel right.

I got out of bed and made my way downstairs, anxiety creeping up with every step. As I reached the bottom, I saw Travis sitting at the kitchen table, his hands wrapped around a mug of seemingly coffee, staring off into space. He looked exhausted, dark circles under his eyes. When he saw me, he gave me a tired smile that didn't reach his eyes. Oh no, something's wrong.

"Morning, Kiddo," he said quietly.

My heart dropped further. "Where's Mom?" I asked, barely a whisper.

His expression faltered, and he hesitated before answering. "She's in our room. She...she's resting."

Something in his tone made my stomach twist. I knew, without him saying it outright, that things weren't okay. My worst fear from the night before had come true.

"Did she.." I couldn't bring myself to say the words. My throat tightened, and I felt my eyes sting with tears.

He nodded, and took a step forward towards me, engulfing me in a tight hug. His own tears falling onto my shoulders. "Yeah," he said softly. "She lost your baby brother, Gracie," he broke out in sobs. This can not be happening.

I felt like the floor had been pulled out from under me. I stood there, frozen, my mind racing as I tried to process what that meant. I had known my mom was scared last night, but part of me had believed it would all be okay. Now, reality hit me like a tidal wave.

I swallowed hard, unsure of what to do or what to say. "Is she...okay? I–is mom okay? Are you okay?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

"She's hurting," he said quietly. "Physically and emotionally. She's trying to rest, but I know it's tough on her. It's tough on all of us."

I nodded, my chest tightening. I wanted to be there for my mom, but I wasn't sure how. She had always been so strong, the one who kept everything together. I wasn't used to seeing my mom vulnerable, and it scared me.

"I–I'll go see her...if that's okay?" I asked quietly. "Uh...yeah I think you should. She would probably appreciate that."

I gave him another hug before I turned and headed towards their room.

I knocked softly on their bedroom door, but there was no response. I hesitated before gently pushing it open. She was lying in bed, curled up on her side, her back to the door. Even from where I stood, I could see my mom's body trembling slightly, as if she'd been crying.

I stepped inside, my footsteps soft on the hardwood floor. I approached the bed slowly, unsure of what to say or do, "Mom?" I whispered.

She stirred slightly and turned to face me, her eyes red and puffy, her face pale. She gave me a weak smile when she saw me but didn't try to hide the sadness in her eyes. "Hey, sweetheart."

She said, her voice breaking a bit.

I sat down beside her, my heart aching for my mom. "I'm so sorry, mommy," I whispered, not knowing what else to say.

Her eyes filled with tears again, and she reached out to take my hand. "I'm sorry too," she said softly. "I know this was supposed to be such a happy time, and now..."

I shook my head, tears spilling my cheeks. "It's not your fault. I just...I don't know what to say."

She squeezed my hand gently. "You don't have to say anything. Just being here with me is enough." Her voice was raw, filled with a sadness I hadn't seen in her before.

We sat together in silence for a moment. My mom wiped at her eyes as she tried to compose herself. "I–I wanted you to know that it was a baby were going to have a baby brother," she sobbed out.

"Really?" I asked, tears spilling down my cheeks.

She nodded. "I really wanted this baby," she said softly, her voice cracking. "And I know it's been hard on you, too. I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep things together for your birthday."

I shook my head quickly. "Mom, please don't worry about that. I just want you to be okay."

She smiled weakly, her eyes full of love and pain. "I will be. Eventually. It's going to take some time though."

I shifted closer, unsure if she wanted a hug but feeling the need to offer comfort anyway. She seemed to sense it, pulling me into her arms despite her pain. She held me tightly, the grief between both of us palpable.

"I love you, Momma," I whispered into her shoulder.

"I love you too, sweet girl," she said softly, her voice shaky.

We stayed like that for a while. Until Travis walked in and that broke the silence.

"Hey, babe?" he asked softly. "Hm?" She answered. "How are you feeling? When's the last time you went to the bathroom?" he asked, rubbing her back gently.

"Uhhh I don't know. Just cramping...I should probably change though, huh?" She answered sadly.

"Yeah, I'll help you, but first, take some of the pills they prescribed you. It should help with the cramps."

I got up from my mom's hold so that she could do her stuff. Travis helped her to the bathroom and came out to grab a diaper, an adult one I guess. I don't know why, but I'm not gonna ask any questions. They came out a couple minutes later and she got back into bed. I left the room as Travis settled in next to her. I hope she'll be okay, that we'll be okay.

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