In our football era Pt.1/Ch.9

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(1295 words)

Taylor's POV

It was a bright, sunny, Sunday morning and the house was buzzing with energy. This means it's gameday by the way, if you haven't caught on yet. I woke up at 7am and made cinnamon rolls for everyone who was coming over. Usually, Travis will have a lot of friends and family over before games to get the energy up. Travis isn't home yet, he will be soon, but all the players have to stay at the team hotel the night before a game. If you ask me, I'll tell you it's dumb, but I may be biased.

As I was getting everything ready in the kitchen, packing snacks for the girls, preparing charcuterie boards for the friends and family, tidying up the mess of having two toddlers, Travis made it home. Yes! Just in time to wake the monsters up.

"I'm home!" he called out from the other side of the house when he opened the door. He made his way towards the food of course and ended up wrapping his huge arms around my waist from behind me and nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Mmmm, good morning to you Mr. Kelce," I said flirtingly. He placed multiple kisses in the spots he knows I love. God, this man does crazy things to me I swear.

"How'd you sleep, ma lady?" He asked, pulling back from his hold to grab a cinnamon roll. 

"Eh," I shrug. "I've slept better...especially with you," I wink at him. 

"Oh yeah? I could say the same thing about you," he played back at me.

"Alright you two...let's keep it PG, shall we?" Donna announced when she randomly showed up. When did she get here?

We pulled apart and started laughing. "Mom," Travis said whining. "When did you get here?" He asked, making his way over to her to give her a hug.

"Long enough to know that things would have been escalated if I hadn't had stopped it," she jokes. My cheeks are so red right now, which is weird because I'm so used to being like this around his friends and family. I guess it's just embarrassing when they have to stop us, I don't know.

"Trav?" I call out to him. "Can you go get the girls up and get them down here for breakfast?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, will do," he responds jokingly. 

When Travis finally brings the girls down after what felt like forever, the rest of his family had shown up: Dad, Jason, Kylie, the girls, and all his friends. 

"Geese, how long did I take?" He asks.

"Too long," I respond vaguely. He came over to me and whispered into my ear, "What's with the mood, huh?" I pulled back to look at him like he was crazy. He seemed to get the memo to not keep pushing it and walked away after placing a kiss on my cheek. 

"Mommy, where's my jersey?" Harper shouted from the living room.

"In the laundry room, baby! Go have daddy grab it and help you put it on!" I called back to her as I was trying to tie Ellie's sneakers for her. Gamedays are just one of those days where everything seemed to be happening all at once. 

Willow, still in her pajamas, wandered into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. "Do I have to wear my jersey too?" she asked, obviously annoyed and not in a good mood. We've been really pushing the potty training with Willow because we want her to go to daycare, it's unacceptable for a four-year old to not be potty trained. 

"Yes, Willow. We are all wearing our jerseys to support dad," I snapped back at her. She just ran out the kitchen crying and ran back upstairs probably to her room. I groaned and went to the laundry room to get her clothes and followed her upstairs to get her ready.

I knock on her door and enter. "Willow, here's your clothes. You need to get dressed. Stop crying, you are four not two." I said firmly. She just kept crying. Oh well. She can cry all she wants; I'm not giving her the attention she wants.

I went back downstairs to finish getting Harper ready. I was putting her hair into two little buns because I didn't feel like taming her curly hair today. I put two red bows on them after.

Gracie walked in next, at least she is dressed and ready, but she gave me a questioning look. What now. "Do we really have to go so early? The game doesn't start for, like, two hours," she groaned.

"Yes, we do. Travis needs us there early, we have to go down to the field," I yelled back, not in the mood. Gracie stepped back and rolled her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me again Gracelyn!" I snapped at her. She smiled a fake smile, "Fine. But I'm bringing my headphones." she said as she walked away.

After I was done doing Harpers hair, I really needed to do Willow's, but she was nowhere to be seen. 

"Travis, where's Willow?" I asked him, annoyed.

"Uhhh...I don't know. Let me go find her." He spoke.

"Willow! Can you come down here, we need to go!" He called out. "She's not going to listen to you. You should just go get her." I told him.

Travis went to find Willow and came down five minutes later with her on his hip.

"Found the munchkin." He said as he made it into the kitchen. Her tear stains evident. Great.

"Come on Willow. We need to get you ready." I told her. She didn't move. "Willow I'm not playing these games with you today. Let go of your father and come with me." I yelled at her.

"Taylor sweetie," Donna grabbed my arm. "Maybe you need to sit down, let someone else deal with the girls." She suggested.

"I don't have time to sit down. She needs to be ready right now!" I complain. 

"Hey Tay?" Kylie asks. "I can get Willow ready while you take care of everything else."

I sigh in defeat. "Fine." I groan and sit myself down on the couch. Which wasn't long lived because Travis pulled me up and took me down the hall to where no one could hear and talked to me.

"What's wrong, angel?" He asked, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "What's wrong?" I joke. "What's wrong? Seriously Travis! You know what's wrong...It's the fact that I've been working my ass off all day and get nothing, but sluggish children who don't give a fuck about all that I'm doing for them! I'm exhausted Trav. Exhausted!" I snap at him.

He pulls me into a hug. I let out a few tears. "I'm sorry today hasn't been good, baby. Maybe you should let us all handle the kids for the rest of the day, yeah?" He asks softly.

"Me and you both know that's not possible." I laugh in defeat.

"It may not be possible, honey. But we can try our hardest and maybe even the littlest thing will help." He suggested. "Now. Wipe that frown upside down. We gotta football game to win," he jokes. I laugh at his dorkyness. That's one thing I love about Trav, he always knows how to make me laugh.

A few minutes later... Kylie brings Willow all ready, out. "Okay, looks like everyone is ready to go, huh?" she asks.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go Kelce's!" I call out as we all head out to the cars. I know this morning was hard, but I just know this game is going to make everything ten times worse...

A/N: Woah a weekday post?? I'm doing this because I'm gonna be super busy for the rest of the school week. So, I hope y'all understand. The next part to this will be at the game, sorry for leaving it on yet another cliffhanger.

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