The Bug Pt.1/Ch.11

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Travis's POV

(1108 Words)

It all started when I got a call from Taylor while she was at work, sounding worried. Harper had thrown up at school, and she needed to be picked up. A feeling of dread settled into my stomach. Stomach bugs were the worst. I knew all too well how quickly they could spread through a house with three kids.

By the time I got home, Taylor was already back, settling Harper on the couch with a bowl beside her. Harper looked miserable—her cheeks flushed, and her eyes dull. She gave a little whimper, clutching her stomach, and before I could even ask if she was okay, she leaned over the couch and vomited all over the armrest and the floor.

Taylor was already on her knees, trying to clean up the mess, but she looked as pale as Harper. 

"I've got it," I said, gently taking the cloth from her hands. She didn't put up a fight, just nodded and went upstairs, looking like she might collapse at any moment.

I turned my attention back to Harper, who was curled up on the couch, clutching her stomach. I cleaned up the mess and sat beside her, trying to keep her comfortable, but all I could think about was how contagious this was likely to be.

It wasn't long before my hunch was confirmed. Willow, who'd been playing in the corner with her dolls, suddenly went pale. She clutched her stomach, and tears welled up in her big eyes. I scooped her up just in time for her to throw up all over my shirt. The mess splattered onto the floor, warm and sticky, and Willow started to cry.

"It's okay, Willow, it's okay," I murmured, even though I was feeling a little queasy myself. I rubbed her back, ignoring the mess soaking through my clothes as I carried her to the bathroom to clean her up.

With Harper resting on the couch and Willow curled up in my lap, I felt like I was juggling a disaster. And then I heard Gracie's voice from upstairs, sounding shaky and weak. "Travis?"

I left the little ones for a moment, climbing the stairs quickly to find Gracie standing outside the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe. She looked miserable, her face pale and streaked with sweat.

"I don't feel good," she muttered, and before I could react, she doubled over and threw up right there in the hallway. I reached out to steady her, rubbing her back, but she pulled away, embarrassed and clearly trying not to cry. Gracie and I had always had an awkward relationship—she wasn't mine by blood, and I knew she had a hard time seeing me as a real part of her life—but in that moment, she was just a sick kid, and she needed help.

"It's okay, Gracie," I said softly, holding her shoulders. "Let's get you to bed."

I helped her to her room and settled her into bed with a bowl beside her. She looked up at me, her eyes glassy, and for once, she seemed too exhausted to be self-conscious about me seeing her like this. I gave her a small, reassuring smile and made sure she had some water before heading back to the chaos downstairs.

By the time Taylor called out to me from our room, saying she felt sick too, I knew we were in for a hell of a night. I tucked Willow back in, changed out of my vomit-covered clothes, and then helped Taylor get comfortable upstairs. She was so pale, she looked like she might pass out.

"Go lie down, I'll take care of the kids," I told her, kissing her forehead even though I was worried I might catch whatever was going around.

Taylor managed a small smile. "Thank you," she mumbled before collapsing onto the bed. I pulled the covers up around her and closed the door gently, my mind already racing with everything I'd need to handle alone.

The rest of the night was a blur of messes and crying kids. Harper threw up again around midnight, all over her blanket this time, and I ended up carrying her to the bathtub to clean her up. Her little arms wrapped around my neck as she leaned against me, exhausted and feverish.

Willow woke up crying soon after, clutching her stomach and looking terrified. I caught her just in time as she vomited all over the bathroom floor. It took everything I had not to let my own stomach turn as I comforted her, washing her face and helping her change into clean pajamas.

And then there was Gracie, who seemed to be struggling the most. She couldn't keep anything down, and she was shaking so hard that I could hear her teeth chattering when I went in to check on her.

"I hate this," she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. She leaned against me as I held a cool cloth to her forehead, her breathing coming in ragged gasps. "I'm so tired of throwing up."

"I know, I know," I said, rubbing her back. "But you're going to be okay. I'm right here."

Gracie looked up at me, her eyes softer than they usually were when she spoke to me. "Thanks, Travis," she mumbled, then buried her face in my shoulder, too exhausted to care about keeping her guard up. I felt a pang of something—maybe hope that we were making progress, even if the circumstances were far from ideal.

As the first light of morning peeked through the curtains, I was running on fumes. The washer and dryer had been going nonstop, and the whole house smelled like disinfectant and sweat. I sat on the couch, sandwiched between Harper and Willow, who were both finally dozing off, their heads resting on my shoulders. Gracie was asleep upstairs, and Taylor hadn't stirred since I last checked on her.

I let out a long, tired sigh, my arms aching from carrying the kids back and forth, but I knew it wasn't over yet. They'd all need a few days to fully recover, and I'd need to keep the house clean, make sure everyone stayed hydrated, and somehow keep myself from catching this thing too.

But as I sat there, surrounded by my girls and hearing their soft, steady breathing, I couldn't help but feel a weird sense of pride. It wasn't exactly the glamorous side of parenting, but taking care of them through this mess made me feel closer to all of them—including Gracie, who'd let me see her vulnerable side, even if just for a moment.

And maybe when this was all over, she'd remember that I was there when she needed someone most.

Pt.2 comes tomorrow :)) Don't forget to vote and leave requests! I'm trying to get to everyone's requests I promise, I'm looking back at that one voting page and I remember a sic fic was requested a lot! 

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