Holiday House Pt.3/Ch.2

290 16 1

(768 Words)

It was time to find out for sure..


I got up from my bed and walked over to the bathroom turning on the light.

I can't believe this is really happening...what the fuck.

I think I have maybe one or two pregnancy tests in here from a scare I had a while ago. So I search through the drawers and cupboards until I fall upon the thing I need the most right now.

"Here goes nothing." I sigh as I pull the test out of the box.

I make my way over to the toilet to handle my business.

And now. We wait.

I don't know why, but everytime this happens, the waiting feels like an eternity. I also don't know why I'm so nervous, it's not like we weren't being safe; we knew what the result of our careless actions would be. I just didn't think it would happen this fast.

My timer blares, bringing me out of my thinking.

I pause for a second, taking a deep breath before I bring myself over to the counter where the test holds my future.

I reach for it. But something stops me from turning it over. Maybe Travis should be here for this. I mean he's never been there during one of my tests, positive at least. If this is our last child, I'm sure he'd like to experience this moment.

And so I take a step back and walk out the bathroom.

I make my way downstairs where everyone is running outside, yes. I mean everyone. Travis included. He looked like he was having fun, so I didn't want to bother him. I'll just look later when he's free.

I go back inside and lay down on the couch watching bluey because what else are you gonna watch with a house full of children. By now, everyone is gathered inside of the living room as well.

Now's my chance.

"Hey babe?" I ask.

"Hmm?" he responded, not looking up from his phone.

"Can you come with me for a second? I want to show you something."

He looks up from his phone and nods.

We make our way up to our bedroom and once he walks in I shut the door behind him.

I grab his hand and lead him towards the bathroom.

"Where are you taking me?" he laughs.

"You'll see."

And so we walk into the bathroom and I drop his hand in front of the counter. He's so clueless sometimes like, it's right in front of him and he doesn't see it.

"Why are we in the bathroom?" He asks.

"Travis." I smack my hand on my forehead. "Look in front of you."

His eyes go wide when he sees the test.

"Is that?" He starts.

"Mhm." I nod.

"You think you are?"

"Well you would think with my period being late and all of the sickness I've been going through, yes."

He smiles.

"We're happy about this right?"

"Oh yes, of course. I mean I didn't think it would happen so fast coming off of birth control. But, I guess our fertility had other plans." I joke.

"Okay...Have you looked at it?"

"No. I was waiting for you."

"Huh? You never do tests with me.."

"Well, I thought maybe this time could be different. I also don't know how I could surprise you like I did with the twins again."

He just hugs me and gives me kisses all along my neck.

" do you want to look at it?" I ask.

"Well, no it's okay. You can."

"No, I want you to do it."

He grunts in defeat, "Okay fine."

He grabs the test and we both make our way over to the edge of the bathtub. He sits down first so I can sit on his lap, that way we can look together.

He gives me a few more kisses before he counts down. "5...4...3...2...1..."

And he flips the test.


"Baby..." Travis says with tears in his eyes.

"You''re pregnant" he finishes making tears escape my eyes.

"We're pregnant. We're having another baby, Trav." I say with tears streaming down my face.

He puts the test down and gently turns me around in his lap, where he places his hand on my stomach and starts talking to our future baby.

"Hi baby, I'm your daddy. I hope you're a girl because man do I love my little girls, but maybe it would be okay to have another male in the house, we're kinda outnumbered." He laughs.

"Your mommy is the best and I really hope you'll look just like her. She's so beautiful and loves you very much."

I get up and we hug for a little while.

Until we're interrupted by someone barging into the bathroom.


Tears in her eyes as she sees the test.

"You're pregnant?" she cries.

"Gracie..." I sigh.

She runs out of the room sobbing.


A/N: Y'all didn't hit the 15 votes on the last part, but I'm nice so I'll give it to you anyways. Please vote :) And only two people left recommendations, and I don't really want to get repetitive in story types so fast, so please. Leave recommendations. xx-Willow

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