In our football era Pt.3/Ch.9

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(1228 Words)

Travis's POV

As we walked to the car, I kept an arm wrapped around Taylor's shoulders, holding her close against the cool night breeze. The rush of the stadium behind us faded into a distant hum, leaving just the two of us in the calm of the parking lot. It was a relief to have a moment to ourselves, even if just for a little bit. I could feel the tension in Taylor's body easing, and I squeezed her shoulder gently, wanting to remind her I was right there with her.

Kylie waited with the girls, who were both fast asleep in their car seats. She shot me a knowing look before turning to Taylor, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "You two take care of each other, okay? Call me if you need anything," Kylie said softly.

Taylor managed a tired but grateful smile. "Thanks, Ky. We'll see you back home."

After a final wave, Kylie headed off. I helped Taylor settle into the passenger seat before sliding into the driver's side. As I drove, I watched her stare out the window, her gaze drifting over the darkened streets, the city lights casting fleeting shadows across her face. I knew her mind was miles away, probably thinking about getting back home, about finally unwinding. I hoped I could help her do that.

Pulling into the driveway, we fell into our routine, gently lifting the twins from their seats. Willow stirred as I picked her up, mumbling something sleepily before snuggling against my chest. I couldn't help but smile a little as I carried her inside, taking extra care not to jostle her too much.

Taylor was carrying Harper, who was limp with sleep against her shoulder, little fists clutching Taylor's sweater. We made our way through the house, the quiet creaks of the floorboards guiding us to the girls' room. Taylor tucked Harper in while I laid Willow down on her bed, pulling up the blanket just right, the way she liked it. I watched Taylor for a moment as she smoothed Harper's curls, that soft, tender smile she always got with the girls lighting up her face even in the dim light.

I wrapped my arm around Taylor's waist, pulling her gently against me. "Ready to head downstairs, angel?" I murmured. She nodded, and I led her out, flicking on the nightlight before closing the door halfway.

Back in the kitchen, she leaned against the counter, still holding her mug of tea. I watched her for a moment, taking in how the warm kitchen light softened the lines of her face. She looked so tired, but there was a peace there too—a relief in being home, away from the rush. I wanted to keep that feeling for her, to make sure she knew she could lean on me.

I grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Okay, date night, part two," I said, pulling out a stash of snacks from the pantry. "Got chips, chocolate, and... the last slice of that fancy cake from last week. I know, real gourmet."

Her laugh warmed me up from the inside, and I knew I'd do anything to keep that sound coming. "I think you know the way to my heart, Trav. That sounds perfect."

But before we could even get settled, a small voice called out from upstairs, dragging us right back to reality.

"Mommy? Daddy?"

I exchanged a look with Taylor, letting out a long sigh. Of course. I called back, keeping my tone as even as I could. "What is it, Harper?"

There was a pause, then, "I can't find Mr. Bear."

Taylor started to stand, but I put a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. "I'll handle it, angel. You stay here and rest." I kissed her forehead and headed back upstairs, trying not to let my frustration show. I knew she needed this break, and I wanted to give it to her.

When I got to Harper's room, she was standing in the middle of the floor, clutching her blanket and looking close to tears. I crouched down, forcing myself to take a deep breath before speaking. "Harper, it's late, sweetheart. Mr. Bear isn't going anywhere—you can look for him in the morning."

She shook her head, her voice already wobbly. "But Daddy, I can't sleep without him!"

I tried to keep my voice calm, but I could hear the edge slipping in. "I know, I know, but listen—Mommy and I are trying to spend some time together, okay? It's important that you let us have a little time too. Mommy needs Daddy right now."

She stared at me for a second, then her lip trembled, and she sniffled. "But I need you too, Daddy."

The words hit me harder than I expected. I ran a hand over my face, trying to push down the guilt. Of course she needed me—she was just a little girl, and here I was, trying to brush her off for a quiet moment. I should've known better.

Before I could find the right words, I heard the soft sound of footsteps behind me. Taylor appeared, her expression gentle as she placed a hand on my shoulder and knelt down beside me. "Hey, it's okay," she murmured to me, offering a small smile before turning to Harper. "Sweetie, I know you're upset. How about I help you find Mr. Bear, and then we can get you all tucked back in?"

Harper's hand slipped into Taylor's, and I watched as she led her back into the room, leaving me in the hallway with my thoughts. I leaned back against the wall, rubbing the back of my neck. I wanted to protect our time together, to make sure Taylor had the chance to rest, but I had pushed too hard.

A few minutes later, they emerged, Mr. Bear in hand, and Taylor kissed Harper's forehead before tucking her back into bed. I could hear their soft voices, the way Taylor soothed her, explaining that we loved her, but sometimes grown-ups needed a little time together too. And somehow, Taylor always had the right words.

As she joined me in the hallway, I caught the look in her eyes—understanding, gentle, the way she always was with me, even when I messed up.

"I'm sorry, Tay," I murmured, feeling the weight of the day settle heavily in my chest. "I shouldn't have gotten frustrated. I just... tonight felt important."

She reached for my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I know, Trav. And I appreciate you trying to protect our time together. But Harper's still so little, and sometimes she just needs to know we're here."

I laughed softly, the tension easing a little. "Yeah, I guess so. But I meant it, you know? You're important too. We're important."

Taylor's smile softened, and she leaned in to kiss me gently. "We are. And that's why we'll keep finding time, even if it doesn't always go as planned."

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close, holding on to the warmth between us. "How about we take a rain check on the movie? Head to bed, and maybe we'll actually get some sleep."

She rested her head against my shoulder, her voice warm and tired. "Deal."

Hand in hand, we headed back downstairs, back to the rest and quiet of our home. And as we turned out the lights, I knew that even though tonight hadn't gone the way I'd planned, it still held all the things that mattered most.

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