Sick Day/Ch.1 (M)

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**trigger warnings include mature content, throw up, and sickness. these parts are marked**

(2,945 words)

The next day...

Taylor's POV

I woke up to Travis' alarm blaring at the lovely hour of 5am. A sudden reminder of the exhausting season he is preparing to face. He had to leave early for some extra training today and some rehab since he was sore from the days prior. Travis always tells me that he's fine with the pain because he has so much more joy doing what he loves that the pain doesn't even show up till after. But that means I have to take care of him and make sure that he can be as much of a parent as I am to our girls. We've talked a lot about him retiring soon, but he just doesn't seem ready and as much as I'd love to have him around more, I understand it all too well. And so, as I wake up intertwined with his body, his love, a result from the actions of last night, I'm reminded about how much I love this man. 

Travis reaches out for my face and starts peppering kisses all over it, grumbling a low "Good morning, baby"

"Sleep well?" he asked in a raspy voice

I gave him a muffled "mhmmm" hoping to get more sleep

That is until he planted a big, wet, hot kiss on my forehead, and I finally opened my eyes and let out a "Good morning honey."

"I'm gonna go hop in the shower and get ready for training, love you princess" leaving one more kiss on my cheek.

He gets up and out of bed, the floorboards creaking underneath his touch. I would be lying if I said I didn't open my eyes even more to enjoy the view of my man in only a pair of boxers. God, I love this man. The things he does to me seriously, he can breed me all he wants to. (it's a joke between us) 

While on his way to the ensuite bathroom he stops in his tracks and turns around and whisper yells "Sorry for waking you up baby, go back to sleep, okay?"

I let out a dramatic sigh not wanting him to leave me, but giving in "ugh...okay, but I love you so much and have a good day, don't forget to text me when you get there and before you leave." I say sitting up.

He turns back around and continues his pace to the bathroom. "Wait. I made you some lunch yesterday for training, it's in the fridge."

He stops and mutters a "Thank you lovey, and I love you too." "Tell the little ladies that Daddy loves them and will pick them up from school."

"Will do prince charming." I say sarcastically and he playfully rolls his eyes and gives me a wink before heading off to the bathroom for real this time. 

I watched as he disappeared from my view and let my eyes flutter back to a much-needed sleep. Again...didn't get much last night, if you know what I mean.

Later that morning...


I woke up the second time today. This time to my alarm blaring the atrocious sound of me singing ("Ratatatatatattta"), but I will alarm is a lot better than Travis' my God. I once threw his phone across the room because who wants to hear what sounds like a woman being murdered, not me. (or my kids)

Anyways this time I need to wake up because although, my body tells me no. I know I have to get the kids ready for daycare and school. So I slowly open my eyes and let them adjust to the blinding sun peeking its way in through the windows. I let out a small groan and practically throw myself off the bed, stumbling from the soreness and ache between my legs and shut that horrible alarm off. 

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