Sick Day pt.3/Ch.1

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1940 words


Travis' POV

I do not know what just happened. I don't think I've ever heard Tay yell like that before. I don't really care if Gracie is mean to me, she always is, and I've just learned to live with it. I didn't know Tay felt so strongly about it though.

There was silence for about a minute. All of us in the kitchen frozen still, not knowing what to do. Then I hear Taylor weeping across the house, in our bedroom. Poor Tay. I should probably go and talk to her, make her feel better, but I need to watch the twins eat.

Willow suddenly starts bursting into tears. Oh lord.

"Shhhhhh, it's okay." I shushed her. But she wouldn't stop screaming crying.

"Sorry." I think is what Gracie mumbled. I turned to look at her to give her a half smile, but I was met to tears running down her face too.

"Gracie...look. I know you don't want to hear from me. But what your mom said wasn't right about you not belonging in my house. I love you in my house. And I love you in general. I'm not mad or upset at you, your mom though, that might be a different story. I'm really sorry you don't feel good and that you got yelled at. Can I get you anything sweetheart? Anything that will make you feel better?"

Willow starts wailing.

"Wills, princess. What's the matter baby? Huh?"

She mutters through her cries, "I-I ubmm want baba" (baba is her binky, which I'm not supposed to give her, but under these circumstances, I might as well.)

I pick her up and bring her to the kitchen counter where I set her down and look for a baba to give her. I eventually found one and quickly washed it off and put it in her mouth.

I carried her back to the kitchen and sat her in the chair. 

"Okay, back to you little miss Gracie girl. Can I do anything for you?"

She looks up at me and gives me a sad look. I know she feels bad. "You should probably go and talk to mom; I doubt she wants to see me."

"I'm sure she would like to see you, maybe not right now, but later I think it would be good if y'all talked things out. But you are right about one thing, which is that I need to go and talk to her privately, so would you be a dear and watch the twins for me?"

"Yeah, it's the least I can do I suppose."

"Okay, thank you so much." I get up from my seat and walk over to her and give her a quick kiss on the head and say, "If Haper finishes her breakfast would you also go and make sure she gets ready for daycare?"

She gives me a nod. So, I start walking to my bedroom where an emotional Tay lies. 

I knock on the door as I hear soft whimpering sounds coming from the other side.

"Tay? Baby, it's me. Can I come in?"

She doesn't respond. I'm just met with more whimpers.

"Okayy...I'm coming in."

I slowly open the door and what I'm met with slowly breaks my heart. 

Tay is curled up in a ball on my side of the bed clutching my pillow while tears stain her cheeks. 

"Oh baby. Come here."

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