2. Nightmares and Shadows

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⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙

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: ̗̀➛ꜱᴇᴘᴛ 28, ꜱᴀᴛᴜʀᴅᴀʏ

My eyes snap open as I jolt upright on my bed, my hands clutching the sheets with a white-knuckled grip. I take several deep breaths, feeling the rise and fall of my chest in a rhythm that seems alien after the chaos of the dream. The pounding of my heart is thunderous in my ears, each beat echoing the panic I have just escaped.

But thankfully, reality begins to settle back in before I can bust my heart. The darkness of the room offers no solace, but at least I am no longer ensnared in that haunting, distressing dream.

I glance at the clock and wince at the glaring brightness of its display. 3:05 AM. Way too early to be awake.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and push myself upright, feeling the sharp chill of the hardwood floor bite into my bare feet as I shuffle toward the window. Each step is a stark reminder of the contrast between the warmth of the bed and the chilling reality of the room.

As I approach the window, I draw aside the curtains with a deliberate motion, letting the faint glow of street lights filter into the room. I gaze out into the night sky, decorated by millions of tiny bright stars. But despite the peaceful view, the disturbing images from the nightmare of a memory cling to my mind stubbornly.

I sigh and turn around, surveying my room in the dim light. It is a mess, as usual. Clothes are scattered all over the floor, and the desk in the corner is covered in papers and old coffee mugs.

I make a mental note to clean it up later before carefully making my way over to the door. I grasp the handle and twist it open. The bright lights of the living room flash on me, and my eyes squint due to the sudden attack.

I open them back once they adjust to the brightness and frown at the sight in front of me

"Mihi? Why are you still awake?"

At the sound of my voice, the girl turns around and meets my gaze. Despite the late hour, she looks wide awake and alert, with a cup of hot, steaming coffee clutched in her small hands

"Nah, cause why are YOU awake?"

My eyes roll as I make my way closer to the girl seated at the table beside the kitchen and sit down next to her.

"I asked first."

I state and prop my elbows on the table to rest my chin on my palms. My eyes wander over the papers and books before a small gasp leaves my mouth

"Are you seriously preparing for a test thats like- a month away?"

Mihi glances down at her study materials spread out on the table and shrugs, a sheepish smile on her face

"I'll be out of town for a week or two Dae-ya. So, I thought of getting everything done before hand"

My eyes twitch in disbelief, and I immediately shake my head. "No no. This can definitely wait. Now get to bed".

Mihi attempts to protest but quickly stops as I arch an eyebrow at her, a stern expression on my face. She huffs, folding her arms over her chest and pouting at me, making me chuckle and reach out to ruffle her hair. "I'll help you tomorrow, okay? Now for god's sake, get some sleep."

Her pout softens at the gesture, and she finally relents, letting out a tired sigh. It's obvious she hasn't gotten even a minute of sleep. Her dark eye bags and messy hair are very visible, even to my sleepy eyes.

"Fine. But you better hold up your end of the deal and help me out. No chickening out!"

I let out a laugh and gently close her laptop before getting up with her. "Alright alright. Goodnight roomie!"

Mihi gathers up her notes and places them in a neat pile before looking up at me. "Goodnight, jerk"

I playfully stick out my tongue at her while she simply glares, and then I slip back into my room.




My hands are still holding the door handle. A sigh leaves my mouth as I once again stand alone in the darkness of my room. The lightning occasionally lights up the room. I lock the door and tiredly turn around, hoping to go back to the comfort of my bed and get at least a few more hours of sleep-

A sharp gasp escapes my mouth as a shiver runs down my spine. My eyes go slightly wide.

Before me, dark and tall shadows stand imposingly.

5 of them.

They are dark, almost pitch black. There are no discernible figures to cast these.

Just plain black shadows.

But I can somehow still feel their presence. It's suffocating. I take a hesitant step back, my mind filled with a mixture of shock and confusion. I feel my blood run cold as I gaze at them.

But as I blink, they vanished.

Only the grey walls of my room, decorated with a bunch of paintings and photos, remain. I harshly rub my eyes with the back of my hand and look around my empty room again, trying to make sense of what I just saw. Millions of questions run through my mind.

"What the hell was that...?"

A figment of my imagination?

No. It felt real. They felt real.

My shoulders relax, and a dry chuckle leaves my mouth. 'I'm finally losing it, huh?" I slap my face a couple of times, not caring about the sharp sting, before heading over to my bed with heavy steps and crawling under my warm sheets.

My eyes are glued to the ceiling, hoping whatever I just saw is just a trick of my mind.

I pull the sheets up to my chin, the soft and fluffy material providing a small sense of comfort. "Just go to sleep. Everything's fine, you're just tired." I mumble under my breath, trying to convince myself.

But nothing is fine. And will never be.

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How we feelin'?

I literally wrote this in the middle of the night, so I kept turn back every second thinking someone was behind me
But then it's just my dog sleeping upside down lmao.

I hope you liked the chapter tho?!?!?!
I'd love to see your comments on this and!
Have a great day >.<

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