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Hueningkai sat cross-legged on the cold wooden floor of his dorm, his eyes fixed on the poster that adorned the wall opposite him

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Hueningkai sat cross-legged on the cold wooden floor of his dorm, his eyes fixed on the poster that adorned the wall opposite him. The image of his idol—someone who had made it against all odds—stared back at him, offering an unspoken promise that dreams could be achieved. But right now, that promise felt far away, like a star he could see but never reach.

His heart ached, the familiar weight of disappointment pressing heavily against his chest. "Why can't they see it?" he thought bitterly, his fingers absentmindedly picking at the strings of his guitar resting beside him. The music always felt like his escape, his salvation. But lately, it had become a source of quiet pain.

His parents didn't understand. They never had. Every conversation about his dream of becoming a singer turned into a battle, their voices dripping with disbelief and skepticism. "A real career, Kai. You need something stable." his father's words echoed in his mind, sharp and dismissive. "Music is just a hobby, not a job. You need to focus on something that will actually provide for you."

But Hueningkai didn't want stability if it meant abandoning the one thing that made him feel alive. Music was everything—the pulse of his soul, the rhythm of his being. Yet every time he tried to share that passion, he was met with cold indifference or worse, outright dismissal.

He remembered the look on his mother's face the last time he brought it up. She hadn't even looked up from the newspaper when he mentioned the audition he wanted to attend. "Do what you want." she had said with a shrug, her voice flat and uninterested, "But don't come crying to us when it doesn't work out."

Those words cut deeper than she could have known. It wasn't just their lack of support; it was their disinterest—as if his dream didn't matter at all. As if he didn't matter.

Will there be a day where he finds the support he needs?


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