Memory Lane

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Funny woke up to suddenly to the sight of him being back in the Funhouse, safely on his tank as if nothing happened before. Was it all a dream? He looked around. The sun shone beautifully through the window, the birds chirped brightly from the outside and everything seemed calm, still, and empty. Peaceful. He settled down and laughed at himself. He was safe. That villain didn't exist. Everything was fine! But where was everyone? He didn't sense anyone inside the Funhouse. Did they leave for home? He was going to teleport outside to go search when he felt someone's presence outside and then he heard the pitter-patter of feet rushing up his door. Soon, Mickey burst in the Funhouse waving a book in his gloved paw.

" FUNNY! FUNNY, MY NEW ROCKET MOUSE BOOK CAME IN TODAY! " Cried out happily, rushing to the tank and hopping up and down excitedly. Funny chuckled. Mickey loved that superhero more than any hero in the world. If he could, he would go on his own adventures with Rocket Mouse without hesitation. As Mickey began to read the book to him, an idea formed for Funny. Why not? Why couldn't Mickey have an adventure with his favorite hero? There was no harm in a little extra character fun! Suddenly, the scene shifted and Funny was on the moon (literally) in space and he was smiling. This would take just a few minutes but, oh, the excitement and fun would last for so much more!

His eyes suddenly glowed a beautiful lime green and, in front of him, there was a green outline of a mouse's body. He squinted a bit as the outline started to become more physical and more clear. A yellow space suit, red fur on the top of his head and an iconic jetpack on his back. Funny's eyes glowed brighter and a cloud of green smoke surrounded the figure until POOF! The smoke cleared to reveal.." It's Rocket Mouse to the rescue! " The creation cheered. " ¡Perfecto! He's Perfect! " Funny thought as Rocket Mouse flew around in glee. But as Funny studied him more, he noticed that Rocket Mouse's eyes were the wrong colour. They weren't his normal black, they were a shade of green. " How did I miss that little detail? " He asked himself outloud. No matter, it was an easy fix.

" Could you come here for a few seconds? " He asked politely. Rocket Mouse looked back before flying over obediently. Funny's eyes glowed again and Rocket Mouse's did the same. " An easy fix " He reminded himself as the mouse's eyes soon began to shift to their intended colour but then...there was a surge of green light and then a sharp pain went through his eyes. He yelled out and shut them tightly. When he opened them, his eyes were watering badly but he wasn't in space anymore. Neither of them were. They were in a black void. He wasn't on the moon either. He was back as a floating orb. And Rocket Mouse hadn't moved...his eyes hadn't changed either. He stared deep into Funny's eyes with a concerned frown. " What did you do~? " He asked but his voice wasn't of his own.

Funny blinked hard, he could barely see and his eyes burned. " I...I didn't do anything! I was j-just fixing your eyes! " He stuttered, squinting to try to get a better look at RM. He couldn't see much but the eyes that didn't belong to him. RM chuckled darkly. " But I thought you liked this colour~! What~? Is green not good enough anymore~? Is it bad to have this colour, now~? " He asked, staring deeper into Funny's eyes. The surge pricked Funny's eyes again and he cried out, this time being to tear up from fear. " LEAVE ME ALONE!! " He screamed, trying to teleport away...but he couldn't! His powers were stunned! He-He was stuck! " But you created me~! Aw, you don't like me anymore~? " He asked as his body suddenly started to morph into the villain that Funny  was dreading to suddenly to see.

Funny suddenly felt like he couldn't breath. He gritted his teeth. " I didn't create you! I created someone for my friend!! " He barked out angrily. The Villain's eyes suddenly glowed and Funny felt himself being forcefully pulled to meet his gaze. " Oh, my dear boy~! You can create things without even knowing~! How cute~! Years of trying to understand yourself and you haven't even chipped the surface~! " Funny squirmed, tears streaming down his face. He wanted out! He couldn't stand it!! " Oh don't worry, you'll wake up soon~! Your friends need your help~! In fact, I think one of them is calling you right now~! " He smiled. It started out small. Barely above a whisper but it soon grew into a loud and concerned yell.


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