King Ludwig's Speech (3)

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Suddenly...corn! C-Corn? Yes, corn! A small cornfield to be exact. And Famer Pete's (no less) and boy, was he upset! This Funhouse chase had taken these four for a wild run throughout the town. From the clothing shop to Clarabelle's pie shop (they all snagged a slice), through a game of jump rope (that Goofy and Trolland nearly didn't make it out of), into a toys shop (Goofy quickly picked out something and asked for it to be wrapped n' held until he came back) and then the cart took a turn to roll out of town and into the fields. So, at that moment, they were weaving through stalks of corn and trying to avoid the fury of Pete and trying to catch up with Funny. " MY BEAUTIFUL CORN! " He sobbed out while shaking his fist at them all. " SORRY, FARMER PETE! " Apologized Goofy while he nearly got whacked by a stalk. " I PROMISE WE'LL CLEAN THIS MESS UP AS SOON AS WE COME BACK! " Added Trolland while the field soon suddenly disappeared into partial darkness and they were now in a lush forest and en route to the Castle! It wouldn't take long to get there which would cause a problem because what if Funny found himself soon waking up to being crashed in something? Then again, that could have been said for every other second that he had been dodging obstacles! was he doing that while being asleep? I mean, you had to admit that it was impressive that he had slept through an entire lava rescue and an entire shopping day in the town- That didn't matter for now! What mattered was HOW were they going to get that barrow to stop before something big and bad happened. Trolland looked around the forest, panting hard with Goofy right by his side and panting just as hard. " How are we g-gonna get him to stop!? " Asked Goofy. " Have you tried just standing in front of him and holding him back? " Trolland asked, having to dodge a sudden giant rock in front of him. Goofy nodded, getting a flashback to when they had arrived in Majestica. " I tried but he was going so fast that he flattened me. " He admitted sheepishly. The Troll giggled a small but then suddenly raised a brow. " Wait a second, how did you guys get to Majestica if you were in the Dinosaur world? " Asked Trolland, the flashback shifting. " OH! While we were driving back home, he started to make that noise that meant he's gonna teleport but instead of teleporting just himself, the entire Jeep disappeared with US inside! Then, we found ourselves in a cart that launched us out when we swerved a little to hard to the left. " The flashback ended and the Goofy looked down to make sure the pups were okay but there were nowhere to be seen! " Uh, where are the pups? " He asked while looking around frantically. The two then heard barking coming from in front of them and they couldn't believe their eyes.

The pups were riding in the cart. How they got in the cart was a secret only the pets would know once Creampuff and Teddy told the others so the gang would be in the dark about it. At that moment, however, the stakes had just gotten even higher. Now the pups were in the way of danger! While the two adults panicked, the two pups looked at each other with a determined smile. Now Teddy knew just about everything about his best friend and knew how to fix just about anything when it came to him so it took him a few seconds to come up with a plan (and not a moment to spare because the forest path was starting to come to a close and the doors of the castle were starting to appear closer). They needed rope! And LOTS of it! If they could get enough rope, they could tie two ends to each wheel and either pull against or tie the other ends to something to slow Funny down! But how to tell the two in the back...who seemed to be panicking at the moment? Over with Trolland and Goofy, they also quickly came up with a plan. They needed rope. And LOTS of it! And Goofy had just enough in his hat for the plan to work! He rummaged inside of it and produced a wrapped-up line rope.

" You have rope stashed in your hat? " Asked an amazed Trolland, who was still managing to keep in speed with the cart. You'd think, by now, they'd fall to the floor from how long they'd be running but they never missed a step or the beat of the chase. Goofy then shrugged and put his hat back on. " Keep it right next to my climbing gear! " " You have climbing gear in a hat? " "You don't? " The two have each other a look before smiling and starting their plan. Goofy yelled to the pets to catch the rope that they were going to throw at them and to drop the ropes near the wheel. The rope would get tangled and that would be enough for the two to pull against Funny to slow him down! Good plan and Teddy thought just the same. Speaking of that castle, Donald, Minnie, and King Ludwig were just about done with the speech and Donald was reading back what they had come up with when the Royal Troubadors came bursting through the front doors. All three jumped in surprise!

RT: 🎶 Come quick, My King and his two friends, and see this sight before it ends! The danger nears, but have no fear for heroes come to wipe our tears! 🎶

All three looked at each other with a puzzled look before Bella spoke up with a giggle. " There's a runaway wheelbarrow headed straight for the castle but it's said that Sir Goofy and Trolland are doing their best to stop it! " The three then gasped simultaneously and then Minnie and Donald made for a dash to the door, Donald even dropped the speech without thinking. The two managed to spin the two troubadours and the King around as they ran out and Bella had to catch the two guys so they wouldn't be harmed.  " Buttons and runaway bows!! I hope we can make it in time to help! " Huffed Minnie as she and Donald turned the corner to make it into the main hall and to the front door.

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