This is my fault...

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" I think he's coming too! "

" Come on Funny, you can do it! "

" We need your help! "

" Well, wait, let's not scare the poor guy! "

" How else is he gonna wake up faster?! "

Funny's eyes slowly opened as he finally woke up but he cried out when he was able to open them up for a few seconds. It was like that surge was continuously tormenting him! He only allowed his eyes to squint and through the watery sight, he could make out three figures: A big mouse with a bow, a duck with a helmet and a lanky dog. Relief washed over him as he realized his friends were with him. " Guys? Guys, what happened? ...wh-where are the- " Minnie softly interrupted him. " You were knocked out by the ray and you were unconscious when we arrived so we took you far from the excitement. " She explained while gesturing to their new surroundings. Funny couldn't necessarily see but his senses gave him a good bearing of his surroundings. They were at the Super Lake which laid just a few steps away from the door that would take them back home. He allowed himself to read into his sense more and " saw " that he was on a bench but he felt that lingering guilt from the memory he had. While he still couldn't open his eyes, due to pain, he looked " away " to avoid their gaze.

" What's the matter, Funny? " Asked Goofy while taking a seat next to him. The Funhouse felt himself about to cry but he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He didn't like crying in front of people, he always feared he'd be judged (which was ironic since he always advocated for others to cry because it was healthy and normal-). He tried to sound as loud and clear as possible but his voice cracked the second he spoke. " This is all my fault. " He whispered. Donald looked to Funny then to Minnie and Goofy. " What did he say? " " I think I heard him wrong because I thought he said that this was all his fault! " Goofy said with a frown. Minnie noticed that Funny's eyes were starting to slowly well up with tears but the tears wouldn't run down his cheeks. They stuck strictly to his lashes or just to the corner of his eyes. It was like something was holding them back...or someone at that matter. She kneeled down to Funny's level and he gave her a quick " glance " before looking away. " Funny? " She asked in a gentle voice, " How could this be your fault? "

Oh, that was nearly enough to make him drop that fear of being judged and weep into her chest. He gulped, a burning sensation warming his throat. " I created him.." " Created who? " She asked. " I created HIM! " He yelled in a mixture of anger, fear and dismay, which scared the others. He NEVER yelled out unless he was excited or happy! " Funny, you couldn't create something so evil! You're a sweet fella! " Cheered Goofy as he moved his hand to pet Funny's head. That only made him feel worse. They believed he wasn't capable of creating something bad. His frustration only grew bigger. The questions that kept crowding his mind started buzzing louder:

" Does this mean I'm a bad funhouse? "

" What if I created more bad guys? "

" Am I as bad as that villain? "

" What if I scare off the gang? "

" What if...what if they leave? "

The last question shocked him into the state he needed to lose his metal battle to not cry. He sobbed. And he sobbed hard. Tears finally trickled down his face and found themselves staining the wooden bench. The idea of him scaring off the gang was too much for him to handle. All three heroes looked at each other in alarm but before they could say a word, Funny told them everything. The memory. The fear of himself. His eyes. Feeling that he was a bad Funhouse and so much more which would get lost in the muffled cries as the three pulled him in for a much-needed hug. He felt like the worst friend in the world to think these things and to be able to create such. " I'm S-sorry! Th-This is all m-my fault! " He sniffled. Minnie sighed and looked to the boys for words to say. She hated seeing him so hurt. Donald thought for a second before speaking. " You know, I have bad thoughts sometimes. " He shrugged with a small smile. Funny shifted his " gaze " to Donald's general area. " Y...You do? " He asked quietly.

Donald nodded...and then remembered that Funny couldn't see. " Yeah, sometimes they're about other people and sometimes..they're about me! Sometimes, I think really bad things about myself because of how I treat people because of my anger and it makes me really sad. " Funny's sadness switched from himself to Donald. He didn't know Donald felt that way about himself. " But you know what I learned?, " He asked and Funny tilted his head, " My friends know I mean well. They know that I have trouble controlling my anger but they take their time with me and help me get better! " Goofy and Minnie exclaimed softly in agreement. " Because even though we may have bad thoughts or do things that aren't always good, they don't define who we are! " Said Minnie. " And how! " Howled Goofy. Funny suddenly felt a bit better and the tears stopped rolling down his face and a small smile appeared. Minnie wiped his face softly. " There's that pretty smile we know and adore! " She giggled, making Funny blush.

" I wish I knew why I made him. It would be so much easier to get rid of him that way. " Funny sighed. They all thought for a while before Goofy lit up with an idea. A literal lightbulb went over his head and he took it before shoving it into his hat. " Well, you didn't like him because Mortimer compared you two because of your eye colour! Maybe you made him because you suddenly felt like you were him? " Goofy suggested. Funny felt his cheeks burn again. That was a spot-on guess. " Okay well then that means the only way to get rid of him would to be to have Funny love his eyes again! " Chimmed in Minnie. Funny's eyes twitched in irritation. He wish he could see but it hurt to open them. Suddenly, Funny heard someone yell out his name. It sounded like Daisy! Funny shot up into the air from the hug with a panicked look the direction it came from and the others looked at him worriedly. " Whats the matter? What did you hear? " Asked Donald in a hurried tone. Funny tuned in fully and heard her voice again, clear as day " MINNIE!!! DONALD!!! GOOFY!!! FUNNY!!! HELP US!! " and Funny " looked " down at them all.

" We need to get back to the park. And FAST! " He said with a determined huff. Goofy and Minnie nodded in agreement but Donald put up a hand. " Funny, you can't open your eyes. How are you gonna get there? And fight? " He questioned. Funny smirked. " I have six senses and one of them is disabled for the moment but I only need four to put up a good fight: My hearing, my sense of smell, my sense of touch, and my sixth sense that lets me know when something is going wrong. I'll meet you there! " He grinned before teleporting away. The others looked at each other before running and flying off back to the fight.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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