Mr. Evil Eyes

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(This is totally based on the whole Disney " Green is evil " trope hehe)

The gang was sitting on the floor and watching a movie together on the big tv. They had decided that today would be an easy day so they chose to watch movies, colour, make snacks, etc! At the moment, they were watching a superhero movie! The hero was tied up to a post and the villain was laughing evilly as the ray ,that he had pointed at the hero, started to charge up! His eye squinted in delight, shimmering like two jade jewels. Goofy covered his eyes but then peeked through his fingers. " His eyes are scary! " He exclaimed. Funny, who was a orb at the moment and who was being held in Daisy's lap, smiled. " I dunno...Green eyes don't seem all that bad! " He said while smirking, looking over to Goofy. The dog started to laugh. " Well, you're an exception! Your green eyes are pretty and I don't think you'd ever use a ray on one of us! " Giggled Goofy. Funny nodded in agreement. " Never in a billion years! " " Oh, " Teased Donald, " So what happens when those billions of years end? " Funny frowned playfully. " Donald! "

Just then, there was a knock on the door! " Who could that be? " Asked Minnie, looking back to the door like everyone else did. Funny said that he'd get it and so, he teleported onto the door, opened it, and then turned back into a floating orb. " It's Mortimer! " Called out Funny with a grin. Mortimer winked, shooting finger guns. " The one and only! Well, Ha Cha Cha! If it isn't my favorite Sensational six plus four, " He noticed that the dogs and Windy were missing, " Well then, the Fantabulous Five plus one will do fine as well! How are you guys? " Mickey zoomed out of his spot to give Mortimer a big hug, spinning poor Funny like a top and making him nearly drop to the floor! " S-Sorry Funny! " Apologized Mickey with a giggle as he broke from the hug and steadied Funny. Funny's eyes swirled in his head. " tHaT's oK mIcKeY....mIcKiEs? " The Funhouse blinked a few times. He was seeing double! He shook his head to fix himself and then gestured to the TV. " We're watching a movie! You wanna join? " He offered. Mortimer nodded eagerly and helped himself inside while Mickey closed the door.

The bad guy was fighting hero. He threw a left, a right, POW! He landed a punch in the hero's chest and the hero fell down, holding his chest in pain. Most of the gang gasped and practically yelled at the screen as if the superhero could hear them. " GET UP!! YOU GOT THIS!! " Mortimer and Funny giggled at everyone. It was cute how they were so engaged with the movie. " If I were in that movie and I was in my superhero form, I'd help him fight that guy! " Huffed Daisy, the others agreeing. Funny agreed as well but Mortimer raised a brow. " You sure you wouldn't be helping the bad guy over there? " He joked. Funny's brows scrunched up a bit in confusion. Why would he do that? " What do you mean? " He asked, raising a brow. Mortimer gestured to Funny and then the bad guy who was actually starting to lose the fight. " Green eyes stick together! " He laughed. Most of the gang let out a groan and a laugh but Funny didn't find it...well... funny! He'd NEVER help a bad guy!

" Well, I think he's just giving green-eyed people a bad rep! I'm not like him. " He said with a frown. Mortimer smirked and nudged at Daisy. " Maybe...or maybe he's just saying that to hide the fact that he's secretly working for the guy! A secret henchman! And he goes by the code name ' Mr. Evil Eyes ' " He cackled. Funny felt his cheeks suddenly warm up from being upset. He did NOT like being called a henchman to a bad guy and he certainly did NOT like that nickname. Daisy felt Funny suddenly grow warm and she looked down to see his annoyed face. " I don't think he likes what you said about him. " Said Daisy as she tried to rub his head to calm him down. Mortimer looked down and immediately felt bad. He tried to laugh it off. " Aw Funny! It was only a joke! Honest! " He shrugged, scratching behind his head. Funny looked over before taking a deep breath to calm down.

" I don't like that joke. It makes me feel bad about myself! " He explained. Mortimer nodded and sighed. " Im sorry Funny, I won't bring it up! " He promised, putting a hand to his heart. Funny lit up in joy and returned to normal, watching the movie with a smile...when suddenly, the Funhouse phone began to ring!

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