Favors (prt 3)

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They gathered into the kitchen, Minnie and Goofy sitting in the Breakfast nook, Mickey leaning on the sink counter, Daisy leaning on the the fridge and Donald by the other counter that held the cookie jar (that he was snacking from). Even the pets found their ways into the meeting! Mickey was the first to break the silence. " Alright, everyone! Three jobs and eight friends who can help him out! How do we figure out who does what? " He asked everyone. It took a few minutes but voices started to pipe up. " I think Don and I could help King Ludwig with his speech! He's good at criticism and I'm good at curbing it when it gets too rough! " Giggled Minnie, Donald shooting her a squint. It didn't work as he hoped due to the cookie crumbs all over his beak.

Daisy shot her hand up next. " I'd like to help Kyle out! Building snow forts is my favorite thing to do in the winter! " Mick nodded after. " Pluto and I can go with you! He once helped me win a contest during the Hot Dog Hills: Winter Wonderland Fun Fair! You should have seen the castle! " Mick smiled proudly while Pluto barked and flicked his paw bashfully. Funny suddenly stirred in his sleep and everyone grew still....he went right back to snoring softly. " Note to self: Keep the volume down? " Teased Minnie and Pluto covered his face. " And last is the birthday party but I think we can all do that one together, " Chipped in Goofy, " So what can the rest of us do? " That was a good question.

Goofy, Teddy, and Creampuff were kinda left on the sidelines without a job to do. As they tried to think of something, they heard Funny stir again, then the sound of water boiling and then a small pop! Teddy scampered over, with Creampuff on his tail, and suddenly started barking worriedly. " What? What's the matter, you two? " Asked Goofy while he walked over to the armchair. His eyes widened and his ears sprung up in surprise when he saw what they did. " Funny's GONE! " He cried out! Everyone rushed over to see and, sure enough, there wasn't a blue circle sleeping peacefully under the covers. " Where did he go?! He couldn't have just left in his sleep.. could he? " Questioned Minnie as she started to check around the house with the others following suit.

Seconds later, there was the familiar tune coming from the Funhouse phone and everyone rushed to grab it. It was no picnic getting it (as if it ever was) but Daisy came up with an idea quickly. After it sprung out of a hands of Goofy, who had dropped it because he crashed into the library, she pointed to the kitchen and cried " LOOK! IT'S BILLIE HOLIDAY! " That grabbed every one's attention and they all, including the Funhouse phone, turned to the kitchen to see. She easily walked over and picked up the receiver. " Hello! Funny Funhouse, Daisy speaking...uh huh...oh no...and you're sure it's...okay! We'll be right over! " Donald helped Goofy up to his feet. " Well? " He asked. " Looks like you dogs have a job after all! Kooky Scientist Von Drake just called and said that he, T-top and Tilly just saw Funny driving down towards the water hole but his eyes were closed! "

Goofy groaned and covered his eyes, the other pets doing the same. " He's a sleepwalker! " " A sleep-driver! " Mickey corrected with a nervous laugh. With everyone knowing their duties, they all looked up towards the roof but realized that with Funny gone, they couldn't get in. That is until Donald cleared his throat. " Come on gang, " He chirped in Funny's voice, " Up the Stairs to Anywhere! " 

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