Your voice?

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(Context: There's a lot of times in the show where Funny's voice will shift from his normal performance voice to a more relaxed and " Normal " tone. Almost as if Harvey (his VA) is being allowed to talk without having to put on a voice so here's my reasoning for it!)

Smoothing her dress, Minnie walked her way towards the mini library that Funny had near the front door. It was a pleasant summer's afternoon in Funhouse Forest and, after hours of fun in the hot sun, Minnie decided to go back inside to cool down with a good book. The others had taken the Stairs to Anywhere up to the ASI (Adventure Sea Islands) so they could take a swim in the ocean which left the mouse alone to be in peace. Her finger scanned a few stories until she ultimately picked from the book series she always did when she had free time on her paws. " Captain Ruby of the Miss Adventure! " She smiled as she made her way to the arm chair Funny had.

It was a childhood favorite of hers about a girl mouse pirate who sailed the Seven Seas with her loyal crew of misfit friends. She was surprised to learn that Funny had or even KNEW about it since it was a such an old piece of her youth and anyone she asked about it always have her strange looks. " Buttons n' bows! You really have it all! " She remembered saying to Funny and he giggled at her, lightly blushing. " Well, I'm not so sure I have it all but I have most of it! " He grinned, his voice filled with that famous glee. She always thought his voice sounded like what it must feel like to be happy all the time. To talk through a giant smile! It constantly made her smile when she heard him because his happiness was just so darn contagious!

About three chapters in, Minnie heard the familiar sound of what seemed like boiling water coming from the water tank. Her attention didn't leave the book but she knew who was coming. " Hiya Funny! " She said, still reading.  " Hiya Minnie! " He chirped with a tone that made Minnie snap up from her book. That didn't sound right. It sounded like he wasn't as happy as he normally was. She looked over towards the tank with a worried frown but there, as if nothing was wrong, was Funny with his signature grin. Though, it disappeared almost immediately when he saw her face. " Are you alright, Minnie? " He asked, tilting himself a bit the way one would tilt their head.

" Your voice, " She blurted, " It doesn't sound right! It's always...oh, how do I say this?...your falsetto, it's...oh, Buttons n' Bows! I don't know how to say this right. " Funny stared at her blankly for a few seconds before he started laughed a bit. Minnie's concern only grew and that made Funny laugh a little harder. " Aw Minnie, " He said through giggles, " that's because this is my real voice! " Minnie blinked a few times. " B..But all those other times? " She asked. " That's my voice too! It's more of a... hmm...a thing I do when I get excited! Like a- " " A vocal stim? " Minnie answered, finally taking a second to put her book down and walk over to him. Funny nodded...then looked unsure...but nodded again. " Yeah! Well, something like that. " He chuckled. He suddenly looked unsure again.

" Do you like my real voice? " He asked a bit quietly. Minnie's ears rose in alarm and she gave him a smile. " I do! It's beautiful! It's just something I'm not used to. " She clarified while scratching the back of her head. Funny smiled brightly and Minnie smiled just the same but noticed something. There was a look within his eyes that she recognised. Relief? He was relieved to hear that she liked his voice? She wondered why he felt that way. There wasn't anything about him that she wouldn't like, let alone a voice! " Oh! I got so caught up- I came to check up on you! Are you alright? " Funny asked, shaking his head as if the clear his mind. Minnie nodded and giggled. " Just fine! I'm just reading my favorite book series. " She said while holding the book up for him to see.

" Captain Ruby! I figured you'd read that sooner or later! " He said with a playful smirk. Minnie raised a playful brow. " Well, I don't need to leave for a while...could I read with you? " Funny asked with a eager look. She nodded and motioned for him to float a little lower so he could hear better. He loved when people read him stories and she loved having an ear to read to.

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