Rest at last!

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With a relieved sigh, Windy and Teddy sat in the armchair that once held Funny. After Care-A-Belle had left, Funny had soon grown drowsy from the medicine and went up to the face of the house to take a much-needed nap which meant that the two friends could relax for a while and not worry about Funny sneezing himself into trouble. " Phew! " Sighed Windy, " At least it's quiet finally! " Teddy barked softly in agreement...then, the tank's screen lit up from someone trying to video chat them. So much for that. The both of them scrambled towards the tank and Windy quickly pressed the answer button in fear that the noise would disturb the big guy's sleep. They were greeted by Daisy's face and she seemed to be in her and Minnie's shared apartment, lying on the couch! " Heyyy you two! How are you? " She smiled, talking a bit louder than the two would have liked so they both (respectfully) shushed her. " Huh? Why are we whispering? " She asked in a quiet voice. Windy explained the whole situation and Daisy looked crushed! " Oh the poor guy! " She exclaimed before rechecking her volume. " M-Minn? Minnie! " She called out while still being quiet. " Yes, Honey? " Replied Minnie from the kitchen. " Minn, do you think you can make your famous Minnie-Stroonie soup? " She asked while sitting up and looking over to her wife. Minnie's face scrunched up a bit from worry. She never had to make that soup unless someone was sick.

" Is something wrong? " She asked while walking out the kitchen and to the couch where Daisy was sitting. Daisy then explained and Minnie repeated exactly what Daisy had said which made Daisy, Teddy and Windy giggle. " Of course I'll make it! And I'll bring tea if that's needed? " Minnie then offered and Windy accepted but told her that she would have all that she needed in the Funhouse and if it wasn't there, they could go to the Forest garden and pick out what they needed. Both Daisy and Minnie nodded in agreement before saying their goodbyes and hanging up. Windy looked down to Teddy who was wagging his tail happily. Having more help was a good thing so Windy shared the excitement. With Minnie and Daisy's help, Funny would be back on his feet in no time!


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