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After the gang had climbed the Stairs to Anywhere and went their separate ways, Goofy and the pups made a mad dash for the door with a T-rex's fossilized skeleton imprinted in it. When they were inside, Creampuff was beyond delighted...and curious about this world! She had never been there before and with all the new sights, smells and sounds, she wanted to explore all that she could! " Not now Creampuff, " Said Goofy, " I promise I'll bring you back when we're not House Huntin' ! " He looked around anxiously, trying to see if he could spot something driving like it had no sense but he seemed plum out of luck! ...until he heard the terrified roars and yelps of dinosaurs who were nearly being run through by a safari Jeep. " Come on, you two! " He called as he began to run towards the ruckus and the two pups followed faithfully.

Keeping up with a moving vehicle on foot was impossible. Especially when one was in the jungle...so it was a good thing that they were getting some a ride from Mama T! Goofy had Teddy sitting in front of him so he wouldn't fall off and then held Creampuff with one free arm while the other gripped the top horn of the mother triceratops. They were about to turn the corner, which would lead them back out when the pups began to sniff the air worriedly. Goofy smelt it too and his stomach dropped. Sulfur. Funny was heading for the magma pools and the volcano as active again. " OH NO!! WE GOTTA HURRY! " He shouted, " Momma T? I need you to run as fast as you can! Get us to him! " She nodded, letting out a determined snort and then a mighty roar that helped her charge after the sleeping funhouse. Goofy's grip loosened slightly as they finally gained near the back of the Jeep. He had to plan this jump right it would all be for nothing!

As she began to near Funny's side, Goofy yelled his name in hopes that he'd wake up but it was no use. The poor guy was dead tired and he was going to sleep through anything (whether he knew he was in danger or not). So Goofy carefully placed the girl pup down in the inside gap of the mother's frill snuggly so she wouldn't fall off and, carefully, he stood over Teddy but crouched so he'd still have balance. Goofy looked ahead and saw the pools being a couple of feet away and the smell was getting stronger. He was terrified at that moment and felt like he'd freeze but he clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes. He wasn't going let his friend get hurt! He breathed in. " You two stay here until I come and get you. " He breathed out. And then he jumped off of her back and successfully into the driver's seat. The animals barked and roared in delight as Mama T began to slow down her pace to allow Goofy to save Funny. The anthro dog grabbed the wheel and gulped as he saw he only had a few seconds before they'd both drive straight into lava and be burnt to a crisp." Please let me take control, Funny. " He whispered as turned the wheel roughly to the right. They drifted, Funny's back wheel SKIMMING the edge of the puddle but they made it safely away and back towards the pups and Dino mom.

Goofy howled in excitement, pride, relief and even fear. That was probably one of the scariest things he had to do on an adventure at the Funhouse but he did it! He didn't back down or give up! He found the courage to do it! He drove up to Momma T and she let the pups hop into the passenger seat. She then walked over to his side of the truck and licked his face, showing that she was proud of him too! Even the pups joined in! " A-Hyuck! Aw, thanks you guys! That wasn't easy to do but I'm glad you believed in me. Come on, let's get this guy home before he gets into more trouble! " Laughed Goofy. And with a wave " Goodbye ", Goofy headed back to the cave which held the adventure door back home.

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