Chapter 23

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(Minor swearing)

(Ashlyn POV)

I was on my phone, sitting on a bench by the front doors. I was waiting for Aiden. I looked up and saw him blushing really hard. I walked over to him.

"Hi, Aiden." I said, grabbing his hands.

"You wore it to school." He said.

"Of course I did." I said, smiling at him. He made me laugh after he looked up at the ceiling and sighed. He immediately looked down and blushed after seeing me laugh.

"I love it when you laugh, Ashy." He said. I smiled, looking at the ground.

"Hey, lovebirds!"

We turned around to see all of our friends grinning at us.

"Aww, they're holding hands!" Said Logan.

"And-and-and-AND-Ashlyn is wearing Aiden's hoodie!!" Said Taylor. Logan and Taylor were squealing at each other.

"Fucking disgusting, get a room." Said Tyler. Taylor glared at Tyler.

"Don't make me tell mom what happened on Tuesday." She replied. Tyler immediately widened his eyes and looked intimidated. Then he looked at me and Aiden.

"Fine-they're cute. Happy?"

"Very." Said Taylor, proud of herself. 

The rest of the day went by extremely boringly. Lots of people look at me and Aiden at lunch or in the hallways. Sometimes they look happy. Sometimes they give us dirty looks. I couldn't care less, though. I'd like to say school got better after Barron got expelled but it honestly just got more boring. School finally ended for the day and I got in my dads car after saying goodbye to Aiden and my friends.

"Did Aiden like your hoodie?" My dad joked.

"Yeah. He's happy I wore it, I think."

"And you're sure he doesn't want it back? Because I can-"

"Dad. He said I can keep it."

"Alright, then."

When I got home, I did my homework because I stupidly forgot that tomorrow was the weekend. I was excited for the next day because I'd be going to the mall with my friends which means I could spend the day with Aiden. I texted Aiden all night because I seriously couldn't sleep. We were so caught up in texting, we forgot that we would shift soon. And that shift scared the fuck out of me. Soon enough, I was back in the other dimension. I looked to the right and saw Aiden, the same stunned face as me. We started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Said Tyler from the other end of the bus. 

"Nothing." Me and Aiden said, simultaneously, after finishing our laugh. 

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