Chapter 3: Meeting the Elder Sister and the Primordial Demon Lord

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The sky was a tempest of swirling clouds and crackling energy as Velriza hovered in the air, watching Charybdis thrash about in fury and frustration. The great beast's roars echoed across the plains, shaking the very ground below. Yet, for Velriza, this battle was already over. Her senses were calm, her breath even, as she analyzed Charybdis's every move with cold precision.

Charybdis lunged again, its massive body twisting through the air like a snake striking its prey. But to Velriza, it was moving in slow motion. She easily dodged the creature's attack, darting to the side with a graceful flap of her wings. She smirked, almost amused by the creature's desperation.

"This is becoming tiresome," she muttered to herself. Her voice was low, almost a growl, filled with both confidence and a hint of disappointment.

With a casual flick of her tail, she summoned [Void Manipulation] once more. The air around her seemed to tremble as a dark sphere of energy materialized between her claws. Unlike before, this one was smaller, more focused, but infinitely more dangerous. The void pulsed with a deep, resonant hum, almost as if it were alive and eager to consume.

Velriza released the sphere with a flick of her wrist. It shot forward like a bullet, cutting through the air with a high-pitched whistle. Charybdis tried to dodge, but the void sphere moved too quickly, too precisely. It struck the beast directly in the center of its body, and in an instant, the creature was enveloped in darkness.

For a moment, everything was silent. The air seemed to still, as if holding its breath. Then, Charybdis let out one final, pitiful screech before its form disintegrated, swallowed whole by the void. In a matter of seconds, the mighty Sky Devourer was gone, reduced to nothingness.

Velriza hovered in the air for a moment longer, feeling the residual energy of the battle dissipate. "So much for that," she murmured, shaking her head. "Not even a decent challenge." She felt a twinge of disappointment; she had hoped for more.

A New Journey: The Frozen Continent

Satisfied that the threat had been dealt with, Velriza turned her attention northward. She could sense a powerful aura emanating from the far reaches of the world, a presence both familiar and compelling. "Velzard," she thought, her sister's name resonating in her mind. And alongside it, the unmistakable aura of another powerful being: Guy Crimson.

Her curiosity piqued, Velriza decided to travel to the Frozen Continent, the domain of her elder sister and the Primordial Red. She had heard much about Guy Crimson — stories of his power, his temperament, and his unyielding rule over his domain. A meeting with him promised to be interesting, to say the least.

With a powerful beat of her wings, she soared high into the sky, leaving the site of the battle far behind. The air grew colder as she flew further north, the landscape below transforming from lush green forests to frozen tundras. Snow began to fall, light at first, then heavier, as the winds grew more fierce. Velriza did not mind the cold; in fact, she found it oddly comforting. Her True Dragon form was well-suited for such climates, and she welcomed the challenge of the harsh environment.

Hours passed as she flew over vast expanses of ice and snow, her senses alert for any signs of life. Finally, she sensed it: a powerful, familiar aura that sent a shiver of recognition down her spine. Velzard was near.

The Frozen Continent: A First Encounter

Velriza descended carefully, landing on a broad expanse of ice. The ground was smooth and solid beneath her feet, and the air was crisp and cold. She folded her wings and began to walk, her senses stretched out to their fullest. She could feel Velzard's presence growing stronger with each step, along with another aura, darker and more intense — Guy Crimson.

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