Chapter 4: A Fiery Reunion

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Two years had passed since Velriza's time on the Frozen Continent. In those years, she had come to understand much about her sister Velzard, the Ice Dragon, and Guy Crimson, the enigmatic Demon Lord of the Frozen Continent. She had trained rigorously, mastering her own powers, while enjoying the company of her older sister. But a restlessness grew within her; a feeling that her journey was far from over. She knew that she needed to meet the other True Dragons — to find out who they were, what they stood for, and how they fit into her evolving sense of purpose.

Velriza stood on the cliff edge, her wings unfurled and ready for flight, the icy wind cutting through the air like a blade. The vast, cold sea stretched out before her, but her gaze was focused southward. She felt the familiar warmth of Velzard behind her.

"You've made up your mind," Velzard said, her tone unreadable as she approached Velriza. Her icy blue eyes were fixed on her younger sister, a subtle hint of concern hidden beneath her calm demeanor.

Velriza nodded, turning to face Velzard. "Yes. It's time for me to meet Velgrynd. I need to understand her, just like I have come to understand you."

Velzard's lips twitched into a faint smile. "Velgrynd... is not like me. She is fire and fury, passionate and unyielding. The Eastern Empire is her domain, and she serves the will of Emperor Rudra, the strongest human in that part of the world."

Velriza's expression remained determined. "I understand. But I must go. I need to see her for myself, learn who she is, and why she chose to serve Rudra."

Guy Crimson, who was lounging on a block of ice, chuckled and stretched languidly. "Meeting Velgrynd, huh? That's going to be interesting. She's not exactly the type to hold back. But you're a True Dragon too; I think you'll do just fine."

Velzard shot Guy a look, but he just grinned wider. "Oh, come on, Velzard. Let the girl spread her wings a bit. The world is vast, and there's plenty for her to discover."

Velriza gave a grateful nod. "Thank you, Guy. I've learned a lot here, but I need to continue my journey."

Velzard stepped closer, her expression softening. "Remember, Velgrynd is not easy to deal with. She's fierce and loyal to Rudra. But if anyone can get through to her, it's you."

With those words of advice, Velriza spread her wings wide and leaped into the sky. The cold wind whistled past her as she ascended, leaving the Frozen Continent behind. She felt a surge of excitement mixed with apprehension. Velgrynd, the Flame Dragon, awaited her in the Eastern Empire.

Across Continents: The Journey to the East

Velriza flew across the great expanse of the world, feeling the environment shift beneath her as she moved away from the frozen north. The cold receded, replaced by warmer, more temperate air. She soared over vast forests, rolling hills, and mountain ranges, the sun warming her wings as she continued her journey eastward.

Her mind was filled with thoughts of her sister, Velgrynd, the Flame Dragon. Velzard had described her as fierce and passionate, but there was more to her story. Velgrynd had allied herself with the Empire in the East, a place of great power and ambition. Why had she chosen that path? What was her purpose?

The days passed in a blur of landscapes, until finally, Velriza felt it — an intense aura radiating from the direction she was heading. She sensed a vast concentration of magicules, a heat that burned brighter than the sun above. There could be no doubt; she was drawing closer to Velgrynd.

As Velriza descended, the landscape below her changed dramatically. The lush forests gave way to expansive plains dotted with fortified cities, roads teeming with soldiers, and villages that thrived under the banners of the Eastern Empire. She could see the signs of an organized and disciplined society, one prepared for war.

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