Chapter 12: A Day in the Life of Velriza in Tempest

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Morning had just broken over the bustling city of Tempest, and the early morning sun filtered through the trees, casting dappled patterns of light on the ground. The usual tranquility of the Jura Forest was broken by the sound of laughter and a loud crash that echoed through the area, sending birds scattering into the sky.

Velriza and Veldora, the two True Dragons, were in the midst of their morning routine — which was far from ordinary. The siblings had been sparring in a clearing near Tempest, testing each other's strength and speed with playful ferocity. Velriza, her sapphire blue hair flowing behind her like a waterfall, was grinning as she dodged a blast of wind from Veldora's claws.

"Come on, Veldora! Is that all you've got?" she taunted, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Veldora smirked, his expression equally playful. "Oh, you'll regret saying that, Velriza!" He raised his hand, summoning a swirl of storm clouds overhead. With a dramatic flourish, he unleashed a burst of lightning that crackled towards Velriza.

Velriza dodged effortlessly, laughing. "You think I haven't seen that move a hundred times already?" She retaliated with a flurry of ice shards that shot through the air, causing Veldora to leap back and nearly stumble over a rock.

"Hey, watch it!" Veldora shouted, but his grin never faded. "You're getting better, I'll give you that."

The clash continued for several more minutes, both dragons caught up in their playful competition. However, their enthusiasm began to take its toll on the surrounding area. Trees were uprooted, rocks shattered, and a nearby stream had turned into a frothy mess as they collided again and again, sending waves of energy rippling through the forest.

Before long, a small group of goblins, hobgoblins, and other residents of Tempest gathered at a safe distance, watching with a mix of awe and concern. It wasn't every day that they got to witness two True Dragons going all out, even if it was in good fun.

Just as Velriza was about to launch another attack, a familiar voice cut through the commotion.

"What are you two doing now?" Rimuru's exasperated voice echoed across the clearing as he floated down from above. He crossed his arms, looking between the two dragons with a mix of frustration and amusement.

Velriza paused mid-attack, lowering her hand with a sheepish grin. "Oh, hey Rimuru! We were just... uh, having a little sparring match."

Rimuru sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "A 'little' sparring match? You've uprooted half the forest!"

Veldora folded his arms and chuckled. "Oh, come on, Rimuru. You know we're just having fun! No harm done."

"No harm done?" Rimuru glanced around at the destruction, the broken trees, the trembling goblins hiding behind rocks. "The forest is a mess, and the residents are terrified!"

Velriza quickly chimed in, her expression hopeful. "We'll help clean up, I promise! Right, Veldora?"

Veldora nodded eagerly, sensing a chance to smooth things over. "Yes, yes! We'll fix everything. No big deal."

Rimuru sighed deeply. "You two... Do you have any idea how much trouble you're causing? And all this before breakfast?"

Veldora and Velriza exchanged guilty glances, and then Velriza brightened. "Speaking of breakfast... Rimuru, we were just thinking, maybe you could—"

Rimuru raised a hand to cut her off. "No, no sweets for you two today. You need to learn some restraint."

Both dragons' faces fell simultaneously. "What?" they exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with dismay.

"You heard me," Rimuru said firmly, crossing his arms again. "You two are cut off from sweets for the day. You can't just go around causing chaos and then expect everything to be fine."

Velriza's eyes widened with shock. "But... but that's not fair! We didn't mean any harm!"

Veldora nodded vigorously, his expression matching his sister's. "Yeah, Rimuru! You know sweets are the best part of the day!"

Rimuru sighed, knowing full well what was coming next. "I'm serious. No sweets today. Maybe this will teach you two to be a bit more careful with your 'fun.'"

Velriza and Veldora exchanged desperate looks. They knew that Rimuru could be stubborn when he made up his mind. But they also knew they couldn't just let this slide. They both adored sweets more than almost anything, and a day without them felt like an eternity.

Velriza put on her most innocent expression, her blue eyes wide and pleading. "Please, Rimuru... Just a little bit? We promise we'll be good!"

Veldora joined in, his tone just as pleading. "Yeah, just a tiny bit! We'll even fix the forest, make it look even better than before!"

Rimuru shook his head, trying to maintain his stern expression, but it was clear he was struggling not to smile. "You two are unbelievable. I said no."

Velriza and Veldora then took a deep breath and launched into their plan. They began begging and pleading, throwing themselves at Rimuru's mercy. They followed him around as he moved through the city, imploring with every step.

"Come on, Rimuru!" Velriza whined. "Just this once?"

"We'll do anything!" Veldora chimed in. "You name it!"

Rimuru finally stopped and turned around, exasperation evident on his face. "Alright, alright! Enough! If it means you'll stop following me around and let me get back to work... fine, you can have your sweets back."

The dragons' faces lit up with delight, but Rimuru quickly added, "But only on the condition that you clean up the mess you made, and promise to keep things under control from now on."

Velriza nodded enthusiastically. "Deal! We'll get started right away."

Veldora beamed. "You won't regret it, Rimuru! We'll be on our best behavior!"

Rimuru sighed, shaking his head with a smile. "You two... Just don't make me regret this decision."

And with that, Velriza and Veldora raced off to begin their cleanup, eager to earn back their precious sweets. The residents of Tempest watched with a mix of relief and amusement as the two dragons worked tirelessly, their earlier mischief forgotten in their quest to satisfy their sweet tooth.

Later That Day

After hours of hard work, Velriza and Veldora finally finished restoring the damaged area. They returned to Rimuru's office, covered in dirt but grinning from ear to ear.

Rimuru looked up from his desk, an amused smile on his face. "Well, you two look like you've been through a war."

Velriza laughed. "We cleaned up everything, just like we promised!"

Veldora added, "And we even made it look better than before! So... can we have our sweets now?"

Rimuru pretended to think it over for a moment before nodding. "Alright, you two earned it. But remember, no more morning battles without my permission, okay?"

Velriza and Veldora both saluted dramatically. "Yes, sir!" they chimed in unison.

Rimuru chuckled and handed them a plate filled with their favorite treats. "Enjoy, you two troublemakers."

They took the plate eagerly, their faces lighting up with joy. "Thanks, Rimuru!" Velriza exclaimed.

Veldora grinned. "You're the best!"

As they began to devour the sweets with gleeful abandon, Rimuru shook his head, still smiling. "I swear, it's like babysitting two overgrown kids..."

Velriza and Veldora looked at each other, both laughing with their mouths full. Life in Tempest was definitely going to be an adventure, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

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