Chapter 13: Preparations for the Festival and the Festival

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The city of Tempest buzzed with excitement as preparations for the grand festival were underway. It was Rimuru's idea to celebrate the prosperity and peace of Tempest, and he wanted to do it in style. Stalls were being set up, decorations hung from every building, and the entire city seemed to be filled with a sense of anticipation and joy.

In the midst of all this, Rimuru sat in his office, surrounded by piles of documents and a long list of tasks to complete. Despite the chaos, he was in a good mood, imagining how amazing the festival would be.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Velriza and Veldora stormed in with their usual energy.

"Rimuru!" Velriza called out, her blue hair flowing behind her as she hurried over to him. "We heard about the festival! You're planning a tournament, right?"

Veldora grinned from ear to ear, clearly just as excited. "Yeah, yeah! I want in! Let me fight too!"

Rimuru looked up, chuckling. "I had a feeling you two would be interested. But I'm afraid I have to say no. You two are way too strong. If you were in the tournament, no one else would stand a chance."

Velriza pouted. "Aw, come on, Rimuru! That's not fair. I just want to have some fun. I promise I won't use my full power!"

Veldora nodded eagerly. "Yeah, we can hold back! Just a little sparring, that's all!"

Rimuru shook his head, smiling despite himself. "Nope. Absolutely not. I know you two. 'Holding back' isn't exactly your specialty."

Velriza sighed dramatically, but then a glimmer of excitement lit up in her eyes. "Fine, if we can't be in the tournament, then what about this: I heard you're planning to build a dungeon. How about we get involved there?"

Rimuru raised an eyebrow. "Involved? How?"

Veldora's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Yeah, yeah! We could be the final bosses or something!"

Velriza nodded, a grin spreading across her face. "Imagine it, Rimuru! At the very end of your dungeon, adventurers would have to face us. Think of the thrill, the challenge!"

Rimuru chuckled, considering the idea. "That's... actually not a bad idea. But you two need to promise not to go overboard."

Velriza and Veldora exchanged excited looks. "We promise!" they said in unison.

Rimuru sighed, knowing that was the best he was going to get. "Alright, then. I'll set it up so that you two will be at the very last level of the dungeon. But your job will be to generate monsters using your aura and to protect Ramiris's chamber. How does that sound?"

Velriza clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Perfect! That sounds like so much fun! We'll make it the most epic dungeon ever!"

Veldora nodded. "We'll make sure no one reaches the end without a fight!"

Rimuru smiled. "I'm counting on you two. Just... try not to destroy everything in the process, okay?"

Before Velriza could respond, another familiar voice rang out, high-pitched and full of excitement. "Did someone say fun?"

Everyone turned to see Milim, the Demon Lord of Destruction, bouncing into the room with her usual uncontainable energy. "I heard there's going to be a festival, and I want to play too!"

Velriza grinned. "Milim! You're just in time! We were just talking about the dungeon we're going to be a part of."

Milim's eyes widened with delight. "Dungeon? That sounds like so much fun! I want to join you and Veldora!"

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