Chapter 10: Reunion Amidst Turmoil

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Velriza soared through the sky, her wings cutting through the air with a fierce determination. The recent events in Tempest had drawn her attention once more to this ever-changing world. The seven Luminaries, elites from Ruberios, had dared to attack Tempest, bringing chaos and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. It was an audacious move, one that bore the fingerprints of both political maneuvering and personal vendettas.

Her mind raced with thoughts as she flew, the wind whistling around her. "Why would Luminous send them to attack Tempest?" she wondered. "And how does this tie into everything that has been happening?"

The tension between the different factions had been simmering for years, but this felt like a dangerous escalation. Still, amidst her concern, there was something else that drew her to Tempest today. A presence she hadn't felt in ages — her brother, Veldora.

She descended gracefully, landing at the edge of Tempest. The once small settlement had grown into a bustling city filled with a mix of monsters and humans, all living together in harmony. Her arrival did not go unnoticed; many gazed up at her in awe, recognizing the aura of a True Dragon.

As she approached the center of the city, she caught sight of Rimuru standing near his council hall, surrounded by his subordinates. His blue hair shimmered in the light, his expression calm but stern as he issued orders to restore the city and strengthen its defenses.

"Rimuru," Velriza called out, her voice carrying across the square.

Rimuru turned, a smile breaking across his face as he saw her. "Velriza! It's been a while," he greeted warmly. "What brings you here?"

Velriza landed softly before him, folding her wings. "I sensed trouble," she replied, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "And... I sensed Veldora. Is he here?"

At the mention of Veldora, Rimuru's smile grew wider. "Ah, so you felt him too, huh?" He turned his head towards a nearby building. "Veldora! Come out! Your sister is here to see you."

There was a brief pause, and then a familiar, booming voice filled the air. "Sister?! Velriza!" A figure emerged from the building, and Velriza's eyes widened in surprise.

It was Veldora, but not in his usual dragon form. Instead, he appeared as a tall, muscular human with wild blonde hair and striking golden eyes. His presence was unmistakable, but seeing him in this form was both shocking and amusing.

"Veldora, you're... you're in a human form?" Velriza exclaimed, blinking in astonishment.

Veldora laughed heartily, clearly pleased with her reaction. "Surprised, aren't you? Rimuru taught me how to manifest a human form. Pretty neat, right?"

Velriza's shock gave way to a warm smile. "Yes, it's... it's incredible! I never thought I'd see you like this. I've missed you, brother." She moved forward, embracing him tightly.

Veldora returned the embrace, his laughter rumbling like distant thunder. "I've missed you too, Velriza! It's been so long since we last saw each other. Too long!"

The siblings' reunion was joyous, but their moment of happiness was short-lived. A sudden, icy chill filled the air, and Velriza turned to see Luminous Valentine approaching, her expression dark with anger.

Luminous' Fury

"Veldora..." Luminous hissed, her crimson eyes narrowing with a mixture of fury and disdain. "Why are you here? You dare show your face after what you've done?"

Veldora released Velriza and turned to face Luminous, his smile fading slightly. "Oh, Luminous... I didn't expect you to be here," he replied cautiously, sensing the venom in her tone.

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