Chapter 6: The Thousand-Year Vigil in Ruberios

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Settling into the Sacred Realm

Velriza's decision to align with the ideals of Ruberios marked the beginning of a long and transformative period in her existence. The sacred nation, led by the enigmatic Luminous Valentine, welcomed her as a rare addition to its ranks. Over the next 1,700 years, Velriza became an influential figure in Ruberios, serving as a protector and advisor while observing the evolution of the realm and its people.

The early days were marked by numerous interactions between Velriza, Luminous Valentine, and Chronoa. As the goddess of the religion and ruler of Ruberios, Luminous communicated only with a select few: Roy Valentine, her loyal servant; Louis Valentine, another trusted aide; Chronoa, the mysterious hero whose goal was to alter the fate of Rimuru; and now Velriza, the newly arrived True Dragon.

"Your strength is undeniable," Luminous had said during their first private conversation in the tomb, where her divine presence was strongest. "But strength without wisdom can lead to ruin. You must learn to temper your power with insight and patience."

Chronoa, who had been listening quietly, nodded. "We have a chance to rewrite fate, Velriza. To change the course of history. Your presence here is unusual... it may be the key to unlocking a future where tragedy does not repeat itself."

Velriza, absorbing their words, realized that her role in Ruberios would not be a passive one. She was not here merely to observe but to actively shape the future alongside these enigmatic figures.

Embracing the Role of Protector

Within the first century, Velriza settled into her new role as the protector of Ruberios, tasked with defending the sacred nation against external threats and maintaining peace within its borders. Her presence alone was often enough to deter potential aggressors; the mere mention of a True Dragon residing in Ruberios sent shudders through those who harbored ill intentions.

During the second century of her stay, Ruberios faced its first significant threat: a failed invasion attempt led by the Demon Lord Dagruel. Driven by ambition and the desire to expand his territory, Dagruel gathered a vast army and launched a surprise attack on Ruberios' southern borders, believing that the sacred nation was vulnerable.

Velriza, sensing the disturbance, flew to the front lines where Dagruel's forces were advancing. The battlefield was filled with chaos—soldiers clashing, magic spells lighting up the sky, and the roar of monsters echoing through the air.

Dagruel, a towering figure with an aura of raw power, faced Velriza directly. His eyes narrowed as he assessed the new challenger. "So, this is the fabled True Dragon of Ruberios," he muttered with a grin. "A surprise, but no matter—I'll crush you and claim this land."

Velriza responded calmly, her expression unwavering. "You underestimate Ruberios, Dagruel. This land is protected not just by its walls, but by those who love it. Leave now, or face the consequences."

Dagruel laughed, a deep, booming sound that shook the ground. "Bold words from a young dragon. Let's see if you can back them up!"

The ensuing battle was intense but brief. Velriza, with her unique skills and immense reserves of magicules, outmaneuvered Dagruel's forces with ease. She wielded her [Dragon's Flame] skill to create a barrier of scorching fire that halted the demon lord's army in their tracks. With her [Void of the Eternal Night] skill, she unleashed a wave of darkness that engulfed the battlefield, disorienting Dagruel's troops.

Dagruel himself tried to engage Velriza in combat, but he quickly realized that he was outmatched. With a powerful roar, Velriza summoned the full force of her [Crimson Tempest] skill, sending a torrent of energy crashing down upon the demon lord. Unable to withstand the assault, Dagruel was forced to retreat, his pride wounded and his ambitions thwarted.

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