Chapter 15: Bound by the Empire

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After the festival in Tempest came to an end, life slowly returned to its usual rhythm. The excitement and noise had faded, leaving behind a sense of calm. But for Velriza, there was no such peace. Her thoughts were consumed by the recent actions of the Eastern Empire, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. She knew that her sister, Velgrynd, and the Emperor, Rudra, were behind the attacks. But why?

Velriza walked through the corridors of Rimuru's mansion, her mind racing. Why would Velgrynd and Rudra make a move against Tempest? What were they thinking?

Unable to rest, Velriza sought an audience with Rimuru. She found him in his study, surrounded by documents from the recent festival, but her entrance made him immediately put everything aside.

"Velriza?" Rimuru asked, raising an eyebrow as he sensed the intensity of her presence. "What's on your mind?"

"I need to go to the Eastern Empire," Velriza stated firmly. "I want to confront Velgrynd and Rudra myself. I need to know why they're attacking Tempest. There must be a reason."

Rimuru sighed, already knowing this conversation wouldn't be easy. "I understand your concerns, but it's too dangerous. The Eastern Empire is an unpredictable enemy, and we don't know what their true intentions are. I can't let you go there alone."

Velriza crossed her arms, her draconic aura flickering as her frustration built. "They're my family, Rimuru. I can reason with them, or at least understand their motivations. If anyone can get through to Velgrynd, it's me."

Rimuru shook his head, his expression serious. "Even so, we can't risk it. You may be strong, but we don't know what tricks they have up their sleeve. I can't afford to lose you to a trap."

"Trap or not, I'm going. You can't stop me." Velriza's voice was firm, her decision already made.

"Velriza—" Rimuru tried to reason with her, but she turned away, already heading for the door. He called after her, his tone sharp. "Don't do something reckless!"

Without another word, Velriza left the room, her resolve unshaken. Rimuru's warning echoed in her mind, but she knew that waiting wasn't an option. She had to act, even if it meant going against his wishes.

That night, while everyone in Tempest slept, Velriza slipped away. She flew silently through the dark sky, her large wings cutting through the air as she made her way toward the Eastern Empire. The journey was long, but she moved quickly, her eyes sharp with determination.

It wasn't long before she arrived at the Empire's borders. The imposing palace loomed before her, its grand structure shining in the distance. Her heart quickened as she flew over the city, her mind focused on the upcoming confrontation.

Landing at the gates of the imperial palace, Velriza strode forward without hesitation. The guards, upon recognizing her overwhelming draconic aura, stepped aside, too fearful to challenge her. She continued her path, moving deeper into the palace, until she found herself in a grand hall.

There, seated on a throne at the far end of the room, was the Emperor, Rudra. Standing beside him was none other than Velgrynd, her blue hair shimmering like the sky. Velriza's heart skipped a beat upon seeing her sister after so long, but she steeled herself, knowing this was not a friendly reunion.

"Velgrynd," Velriza called out, her voice echoing through the vast hall. "Why are you attacking Tempest?"

Velgrynd's eyes met hers, cold and unyielding. "Velriza... I knew you would come." Her voice was calm, yet there was a distance to it, something unsettling.

Rudra remained silent, watching the exchange with a slight smirk on his face.

"I need answers," Velriza continued, stepping forward. "What are you doing? Why ally with the Empire to strike against Rimuru's nation? We're not enemies."

Velgrynd sighed, her expression softening, though not enough to show any true warmth. "It's not that simple, Velriza. Rudra has a grand plan for the world, and Tempest is a threat to that vision. Rimuru is dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Velriza frowned, her tail flicking in agitation. "Rimuru has done nothing but build peace and prosperity in Tempest. How could that be a threat to anyone?"

Rudra finally spoke, his voice calm yet authoritative. "Tempest's strength grows too rapidly. It disrupts the balance of power in the world. For the greater good, some sacrifices must be made."

Velriza clenched her fists. "I don't buy that. There's something else, isn't there?"

Before Velgrynd could respond, the sound of a gunshot echoed through the hall. Velriza barely had time to react before she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She looked down in shock to see a smoking wound where the bullet had hit her.

Tatsuya Kondou, Rudra's loyal general, stood at the other end of the room, his gun still raised.

"What the—" Velriza gritted her teeth, expecting the wound to heal almost instantly. She had been hurt before, but nothing her body couldn't regenerate. Yet... the wound wasn't closing. Her body refused to heal, and the pain lingered, sharp and searing.

Velgrynd's expression darkened. "I'm sorry, Velriza... but we can't let you interfere."

Velriza stumbled backward, her mind racing as the realization hit her. "What... what is this?"

Rudra stood from his throne, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Regalia Dominion. A unique power that allows me to take control of those I deem necessary for my plans. And now, Velriza, you will serve the Empire."

Velriza's body froze, her movements no longer her own. She struggled, but it was as if her entire being was bound by invisible chains. The power of the Regalia Dominion was absolute, and she felt her consciousness slipping under Rudra's control.

"You... bastard..." Velriza muttered, trying to fight against the overwhelming force that now held her captive. But it was no use. Her will was being stripped away, and with it, her freedom.

Velgrynd turned her gaze away, unable to meet Velriza's eyes as her sister was taken over by the Empire's power. "It's for the greater good," she whispered, though her voice trembled.

Velriza's vision darkened, her mind clouded by Rudra's control. The last thing she saw before everything went black was the Emperor's cold, triumphant smile.

And so, Velriza, the mighty True Dragon, found herself a puppet of the Eastern Empire, bound by the Regalia Dominion. She had come seeking answers, but now, she was caught in a web of manipulation and deceit, with her fate no longer in her hands.

The war between the Empire and Tempest was far from over. But with Velriza now under the Empire's control, the battle was about to become far more dangerous than anyone could have anticipated.

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