Chapter 16: The Deception of the Eastern Empire

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The news of an unexpected invitation from Emperor Rudra of the Eastern Empire reached Rimuru, causing waves of surprise among the high-ranking members of Tempest. It was a rare event for the Emperor, who had aggressively moved against Tempest, to extend a hand of peace. Rimuru couldn't help but wonder what had caused such a sudden change. Deep down, he hoped it had something to do with Velriza, thinking that perhaps she had managed to convince Rudra to reconsider his hostility.

Gathering his closest advisors, including Veldora, Benimaru, and Shuna, Rimuru prepared to head to the Eastern Empire. Despite his concerns, he remained cautiously optimistic.

"I don't trust this," Benimaru muttered as they walked toward the teleportation array. "The Empire's been nothing but hostile. Why would they suddenly want peace?"

"I know, Benimaru," Rimuru replied, frowning slightly. "But we need to see for ourselves. If there's a chance to end this conflict without more bloodshed, we have to take it."

Veldora, walking beside them, snorted. "Bah! If they try anything, I'll just blast them all away. Simple."

Rimuru glanced at him, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Let's try diplomacy first, Veldora. We don't want another international incident."

Upon arriving at the imperial palace, Rimuru and his group were led through grand corridors adorned with lavish decorations. The palace was opulent, but the atmosphere was thick with tension. Rimuru couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, despite the friendly facade.

They were soon escorted to the throne room, where Rudra sat, his regal presence commanding the room. Beside him stood Velgrynd, her blue hair cascading over her shoulders, her expression as cold as ever. But there was no sign of Velriza.

Rimuru stepped forward, maintaining a calm yet cautious demeanor. "Emperor Rudra, we've come in response to your invitation. We're here to discuss the possibility of peace between our nations."

Rudra smiled, a calculated look in his eyes. "Ah, Rimuru Tempest. It is an honor to finally meet you in person. Indeed, peace is what I wish to discuss."

Rimuru glanced at Velgrynd, then back at Rudra. "I was under the impression that Velriza played a part in convincing you to pursue peace. Where is she?"

Rudra's smile widened, but he avoided the question, instead gesturing toward a table set with various documents. "Before we discuss Velriza, allow me to present a proposal. If you agree to submit Tempest to the rule of the Eastern Empire, I can guarantee that no harm will come to your nation. Tempest will thrive under imperial protection."

The atmosphere in the room shifted, growing colder. Rimuru's eyes narrowed, his playful tone gone. "Submit? You can't be serious, Rudra. Tempest will never bow to anyone, least of all an empire that has attacked us."

Velgrynd's eyes gleamed with a quiet, predatory look as Rudra leaned forward. "It's a generous offer, Rimuru. Refuse, and you will face the full force of the Empire. But if you submit, I promise that Tempest will be spared."

Rimuru's patience snapped, his aura flaring slightly. "I didn't come here to hand over my nation. We are equals, not subordinates. I thought this was supposed to be a peace negotiation, not a thinly veiled threat."

Rudra sighed, shaking his head. "You really are as stubborn as Velgrynd predicted." He then leaned back in his throne, his smile fading. "Very well, then. If diplomacy won't work, let's drop the pretense."

Rimuru felt the tension in the room rise as Rudra's expression darkened. "You asked about Velriza earlier, didn't you?" Rudra's voice was laced with amusement. "Well, it's unfortunate, but she's no longer the dragon you knew."

A cold chill ran down Rimuru's spine. "What do you mean by that?"

Rudra chuckled, the sound dark and foreboding. "Velriza is now under my complete control. I've used my Regalia Dominion to subdue her, just as I will with Veldora." His eyes flicked toward Veldora, whose face twisted with rage.

Rimuru's heart sank. Velriza... controlled? He clenched his fists, his aura pulsing as he struggled to contain his anger. "You... you used Regalia Dominion on her? Where is she now?"

Rudra's grin grew wider. "Ah, that's the interesting part. You see, the Velriza you're talking to right now is merely a parallel existence. A part of my dear Velgrynd's unique ability to split consciousness across multiple locations."

Rimuru's eyes widened in shock. "Parallel existence? What... what are you saying?"

Velgrynd finally spoke, her voice smooth and icy. "The Velriza you once knew is no longer your ally, Rimuru. Her real body is currently with us, preparing to capture Veldora. This version of her is simply here to ensure your cooperation. But you won't be able to save her... or him."

Veldora, who had been silent up until this point, suddenly roared with fury. "WHAT?! You think you can capture me?!"

Rimuru felt a surge of panic as the pieces started falling into place. They're after Veldora. And Velriza... she's part of their plan.

"Rimuru," Velgrynd said coldly, her eyes fixed on him. "This is your last chance. Submit to the Empire, or we will take Veldora by force. And know this: Velriza will be leading the charge against you."

Rimuru's mind raced as he processed the situation. Velriza had been taken by Regalia Dominion, a power that allowed Rudra to control even the mighty True Dragons. She was being used as a weapon against her own brother, against Tempest, and ultimately, against him. The betrayal stung, even if it wasn't by her choice.

Rimuru's eyes hardened as he made his decision. "I won't submit to you, Rudra. And I won't let you use Velriza or Veldora for your twisted plans."

Rudra's smirk didn't falter. "A pity. Then you leave us no choice."

Velgrynd's aura flared, and Rimuru felt the weight of her presence bearing down on him. The tension in the room reached its peak, but Rimuru's resolve remained unshaken.

"You'll regret this decision, Rimuru Tempest," Rudra said, standing from his throne. "The Empire doesn't lose."

Rimuru's lips curved into a small, defiant smile. "We'll see about that."

The meeting ended abruptly, with Rimuru and his group teleporting back to Tempest. As they arrived, Veldora's anger was palpable.

"Those bastards... They think they can just control me?!" Veldora snarled, his fists clenched. "And Velriza... Damn it, we have to save her!"

Rimuru, his mind racing with thoughts of how to proceed, placed a hand on Veldora's shoulder. "We will, Veldora. But we need to be smart about this."

Shuna, who had been quiet during the meeting, spoke softly. "If they're using Regalia Dominion on Velriza, it won't be easy to break that control."

"I know," Rimuru replied, his eyes narrowing. "But we can't let them win. We need to find a way to break her free, and we need to stop the Empire from getting what they want."

Benimaru stepped forward, his expression grim. "What's the plan, Rimuru?"

Rimuru took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "First, we prepare. The Empire is coming for Veldora, and they'll be using Velriza to do it. We need to strengthen our defenses and come up with a strategy to deal with both her and the Empire."

Veldora, still fuming, nodded. "I'll fight them off if I have to. I'm not afraid of Velgrynd or Rudra!"

"I know you're not," Rimuru said, his voice steady. "But we need to find a way to free Velriza without hurting her. She's not our enemy—she's been forced into this."

The room fell into a tense silence as everyone processed the gravity of the situation. The Eastern Empire was moving, and Velriza was caught in the middle of it all.

As the preparations for the impending battle began, Rimuru couldn't shake the image of Velriza from his mind. She had always been strong, proud, and independent. Now, she was being used as a tool for someone else's ambition.

But there was no time for doubt. The Empire was coming, and they had to be ready.

One way or another, Rimuru was determined to save Velriza—before it was too late.

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