Status of Velriza

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Status of VelrizaName:Velriza

Species:True Dragon

Age: 1 day

Existence Value (EV): 30,000,000
Velriza's Existence Value represents her total life force, magical power, and overall presence in the world. An EV of 30,000,000 places her among the highest levels of powerful beings in the world, reflecting her status as a True Dragon. This immense value gives her unparalleled physical strength, magical energy reserves, and durability, making her a formidable entity on par with the strongest beings.

Unique Skill:

[Astral Dominion]
This skill grants Velriza control over astral energy, allowing her to manipulate spiritual and magical forces at will.


[Astral Projection]: Velriza can project her consciousness outside her physical body, allowing her to observe and interact with the spiritual realm or faraway places. She can temporarily possess other beings or objects to gain information or take control in certain situations.

[Magicule Manipulation]: Velriza can absorb, store, and release vast amounts of magicule from her surroundings. This allows her to cast spells without consuming her own energy and to use any elemental or spiritual magic at will.

[Soul Resonance]: Velriza can connect her soul with another being's soul, allowing her to communicate telepathically, share memories, or even forge a soul bond, granting them a portion of her powers.

Unique Skill:

[Temporal Acceleration]

This skill gives Velriza the ability to manipulate the flow of time around herself and a limited area, granting her control over time's passage.


[Chrono Step]: Velriza can temporarily accelerate time around herself, increasing her speed to seemingly instantaneous levels. This makes her movements so fast that they appear to be teleportation.

[Time Freeze]: Velriza can stop time for a limited duration in a small area. During this time, she can act freely while everything else is frozen. However, this skill has a cooldown period and cannot be used consecutively.

[Temporal Rewind]: Allows Velriza to reverse the flow of time on a specific object or being, undoing damage or events that happened within a brief period. The larger the object or the longer the duration, the more energy it consumes.

Unique Skill:

[Void Sovereignty]

This skill grants Velriza the ability to manipulate the void — the emptiness between dimensions — and use it as both a defensive and offensive tool.


[Spatial Severance]: Velriza can cut through space itself, creating rifts that act as portals for instant travel or can be used offensively to cut through anything in their path.

[Eternal Abyss]: Velriza can summon a void to imprison enemies, an endless abyss from which few can escape. The void can drain the life force or energy of anything trapped within it over time.

[Dimensional Barrier]: Velriza can create an invisible barrier around herself or an area, displacing any attacks into another dimension, effectively rendering most physical and magical attacks useless against her.

Ultimate Skill:

[Genesis Draconic Deity: Alaya]
An ultimate skill that represents Velriza's dominion over creation and destruction as a True Dragon. This skill embodies her ability to influence the very fabric of reality itself.


[Creation]: Allows Velriza to create matter, energy, and even life forms at will, using her imagination and magicule power. The complexity and scale of the creation depend on her focus and energy expenditure. She can craft weapons, structures, or even entire ecosystems.

[Destruction]: The counterpart to Creation, this ability enables Velriza to disintegrate matter and energy at a fundamental level. Anything she targets with this power is reduced to nothingness, bypassing most forms of resistance or regeneration.

[Draconic Authority]: As a True Dragon, Velriza can exert authority over other dragon-type creatures or lesser beings. This can range from commanding their obedience to enforcing her will upon them, compelling them to act or think as she desires.

[Reality Warp]: Allows Velriza to alter the laws of physics and reality within a localized area temporarily. She can change the gravity, bend space, modify time, or even change the properties of matter to suit her needs.

[Existential Manifestation]: Velriza can manifest her very existence as a force of nature. By doing so, she temporarily becomes a primordial force, merging with the world around her. In this state, her power is nearly limitless, but it consumes immense amounts of magicule and puts her in a state of vulnerability once it ends.

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