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This is the author of this book and I just wanna say some things.

If you are a reader of this book, you may know that I haven't been uploading recently, and I really wish I could make some chapters daily, my motivation is going on and off and I'm not sure if I can continue this story. I love all the support and love you have given me while I was making this. And I can admit I truly enjoyed getting all your suggestions, compliments and interactions. But I really don't want to completely end this book as I think my motivation just needs to come back. I will probably put this book on hold. This book is ending quite soon and when it does, I will make a new book in the soon future. I have just been quite busy and writers block has been driving me crazy, sometimes I look at other people's books and get unmotivated as I compare mine to theirs. I want to thank the people who have supported me it truly makes my day and makes me smile. My story plot is all over the place and I promise next time with a new book I will make the plot much more neater. Me, myself has been getting confused with my own storyline. I made a lot of mistakes while making this book, but I did enjoy. Once again thank you to all my supporters that accompanied me during the making of this book. This won't be the end just yet. When it does though I'll come back with a new and improved book, (hopefully) not sure what the topic will be yet but I'm looking forward to it!!

Thank you to Yaelokre even if they probably will never see this.


- Yours Sincerely, Macey The Author.

PS: i really wanna know you all more so I might put up a little about me page on my profile!!

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