Part 1- Chapter 2

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"Come on," a hushed voice whispers, waking me from my slumber.

"Are you sure about this," a different voice asks.

I don't dare open my eyes. I go rigid and stay very still.

"Let's just get this over with," the first voice says.

I feel the bed covers slowly pull away and then someone grabs a hold of my wrists.

My eyes snap open and I see two men, one standing behind me and one standing at the foot of my bed. Their faces are covered, only showing their eyes.

"She's awake," the first voice belongs to the man at the foot of my bed, "hold her down." He gets up onto the bed and starts to move my dress up.

My worst nightmare starts to unfold. This can't be happening, not again.

Before the man can get any farther, I bash my head against the man's head who is standing behind me. He lets go of my wrists and I jump off of my bed.

The man who was at the foot of my bed draws a knife, walking towards me. My vision starts to blur from the impact of bashing the other man's head, but I force myself to focus. My back hits my full-length mirror, giving me an idea. I step aside and push the mirror onto the man. As it crashes onto him, I bolt out of my chambers, towards Loras's.

His chambers are next to mine and I get there faster than I ever have. The handle is locked, so I start banging on the door.

"LORAS," I scream as I pound on his door. He doesn't answer and I know I'm running out of time.

With a final pound and scream, I leave, running down the hall. I can hear two other sets of footsteps running towards me.

Suddenly, I'm tackled to the ground. Hands pin my wrists down again and I feel a sharp pain in my left cheek.

I scream as one of the men drag the knife across my cheek. I can feel blood already starting to run from the wound.

This is too much like my dreams that I hope it is a dream, but I know it's not.

"You really shouldn't have ran," the man with the knife says, "you've just made it worse for yourself." He takes the knife and drags it across my upper arm. I scream, tears filling my eyes.

He does the same thing to my other arm and I let out another scream. I hear the knife clatter to the ground and then hands are on my thighs.

"Now stay still," the man hisses.

Suddenly, another man shouts and the man who cut me falls back, his throat slit. The man holding my wrists rises to his feet, but another man cuts him down, his body thumping to the ground.

"Get her out of here," I recognize the man's voice.

It belongs to the Hound.

Someone picks me up and all I see is gold. I force my eyes up and I see Jaime Lannister's face.

"Find Loras," Jaime says to the Hound before walking down the hall.

"Jaime," I ask, my voice quiet and strained.

"Sh," he says, "don't talk. You probably have a concussion based off the bruise forming on your forehead. I'm taking you to Grand Maester Pycelle."

"Renly," I manage to say. My head is a swimming mess, but I need Jaime to know.

"Please find Renly," that's the last thing I say before falling unconscious.


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