Part 2- Chapter 6

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"You were lucky Rhea," Maester Qurin said, "if you hadn't seen that coming, you would've lost your children. Thank the gods they're safe and you're alright." 

Those words have been on repeat in my head all night. I barely slept and I know Renly definitely didn't get any sleep because he never came to bed. I don't know what he was doing, but it didn't matter to me. 

After Maester Qurin left, I had taken a bath, wanting to let the water take away my sorrows. 

It didn't. 

Instead, the water intensified it. I was left to think about everything that happened, but I couldn't. I couldn't get my head to process what had happened. 

Derwa attacking me, Renly dismissing Robb from the camp, Derwa's pregnancy. 

Nothing had happened in so long that it all was just dumped onto me at once. Derwa's pregnancy should've been no surprise to me. It was Robb's duty to consummate the marriage and I know Walder Frey wouldn't have stopped until he was absolutely certain of it.

However, it still hurt. 

That child will be born a Stark while mine will be born bastards. It's unfair, but I suppose that's how the world is. That baby will complicate things when Renly annuls their marriage, but I'll be damned if I let that child keep Robb and I apart. I can't do this for much longer and I don't know how long it will be before I break in two. 

Going to Winterfell to save Bran and Rickon will be enough to keep my mind off of everything for a while. 

Yes, I'm still going.

No matter what happens between me and Derwa Frey, I will never turn my back on the Starks, especially Bran. I promised Robb and Catelyn I would go so I'm going. 

I need to tell the men I'm taking with me today so I'm currently sitting in front of my vanity, fixing up my hair. I haven't put on a dress yet seeing as how I don't want my handmaidens to see my face. 

The dark blue, purple bruise is the first thing you'll notice when you look at me. Situated on the bottom of my right cheek, it may as well look like I lost against a bludgeon. The cut on my cheek has scabbed over. 

I find it hard to believe that Derwa Frey, the lanky weakling, could've inflicted this on me yet here I am.

"Reminiscing," Renly asks from behind me. I turn slowly and find him holding a dark red dress with gold metal.

"Hardly," I answer with a scoff, "more like thinking of ways to kill her." I don't need to specify who I'm talking about. He knows.

"I had this made for you," he passes me the dress and I get up to hold it out. It's a sleeveless red dress with gold metal armor from the top of the dress to the bottom of the abdomen. The metal's been altered to fit around my baby bump and I smile.

"This is what you were doing all night wasn't it," I ask him.

He nods, "I had the blacksmith alter the armor so it would fit you. You need something that can protect the babies, but you also have to appear like a queen. I thought this would do."

I hug him, "thank you."

"It was the least I could do," he says, letting go of me, "I'll help you." We both walk over to my vanity where Renly helps me into the dress. It fits nicely around my baby bump and actually gives my skin some color. I leave my hair down while Renly places my crown atop my head.

"I'm going to roundup the lords I'm taking with me to Winterfell and brief them," I tell Renly as I walk towards the tent exit.

"You're still going," he asks, linking his arm through mine as we walk through the camp towards the pavilion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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