Part 2- Chapter 3

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On the twelfth day after Lady Catelyn had left, we had received word that Robb and his army are approaching the camp.

Of course, I happen to be wearing one of my most showy dresses. It's light green and white with sleeves that hang all the way to the ground and a deep v-neck. It also has a lace patch over my stomach, showing bear skin.

I'm in the middle of putting it on when Margaery runs into my chambers, telling me he's coming.

She dismisses my handmaiden and insists on lacing the dress up herself. She wants to make sure that I looked perfect and I can't imagine why.

I'll admit I'm a little nervous to see him. It has been four months and a lot has changed. I can hear the trumpets and I know we're late.

As soon as Margaery puts my crown on my head, we both hurry to the dais.

When we get there, Renly is glaring at us.

"I apologize for being late," I tell him.

"It was a wardrobe malfunction," Margaery informs him.

He sighs and rolls his eyes before we all take our seats.

Renly sits on my right and Margaery sits on my left. Loras is sitting on Renly's right, for what reason I don't know.

Suddenly, I watch as Robb and his bannermen walk towards us.

When I set my eyes upon him, I almost collapse.

His blue eyes are already on mine, taking in every inch of me. His facial hair has grown thicker and he seems stronger. He's wearing the same suit of armor as he had the night we departed Winterfell.

Lady Catelyn, the Greatjon, Roose Bolton, Rickard Karstark, and Galbart Glover stand behind Robb, only Roose Bolton glaring at me.

"May I present Her Grace's twin sister and advisor, Lady Margaery of the House Tyrell, and their brother Ser Loras Tyrell of the Kingsguard," Renly's royal steward calls out.

"It's an honor to meet you Lady Margaery," Robb says, "and you as well Ser Loras."

I almost pass out from the sound of it.

"It is my honor to present Their Graces," the steward calls out, "King Renly of the House Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, and his wife, Queen Rhea of the House Tyrell, first of her name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Commander of the Rainbow Kingsguard, and Hand of the King."

I look to Renly, giving him a confused look, but he only smiles.

I didn't know that Renly had named me Commander of the Kingsguard.

We both turn to see all of the men bowing before us, Robb and Lady Catelyn included.

"It is an honor to see you again, My Queen," Robb says to me.

"And you as well Lord Stark," I say with a smile.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, Your Grace," Robb says to Renly.

"Rise Lord Stark," Renly commands, "I have called you here to discuss peace terms."

"I hope we are able to come to an agreement," Robb tells him as he and his bannermen get to their feet.

"As am I," Renly replies.

"We are all very sorry for your loss," I say sympathetically to Robb, "your father was a good and honorable man. He saved my life many times and now, I'll never be able to return the favor."

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