Part 1- Chapter 6

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"Will you shut up," Robb hisses, "she's trying to sleep."

Not 10 seconds ago, someone had come pounding on Robb's door. He had gotten up to answer it, hoping to stop it before it woke me up; he had been too late. I keep my eyes closed though; my mind's awake, but my body isn't.

"Rhea's with you," I recognize the voice instantly, Theon.

"Yes, why," Robb asks, irritated.

"Her handmaiden walked into her chambers and found that she was gone," Theon says, "we've been looking for her. Everyone thought she had left."

"She's been with me," Robb repeats, "I woke her up last night and brought her here."

Theon is silent for a moment, "did the two of you-"

"Seven hells Greyjoy," Robb hisses, "no, of course not."

Theon laughs and I can literally feel the anger radiating off of Robb.

"Is there a reason you're still here," he hisses.

Theon clears his throat, "Maester Luwin is looking for her. He wants to clean her wounds again and change her bandages."

Robb sighs, "tell him where she is and have him come here."

It's silent for a moment, but then Theon opens his mouth again.

"You should cover her with something at least," he says, "it's quite chilly this morning."

"I will decide whether or not I want to be covered Greyjoy," I say, opening my eyes to look at him.

Robb's standing in the doorway, shirtless, while Theon stands in the corridor, his face in shock.

"I didn't know you were awake M'Lady," he says.

I groan, "Leave Theon."

He bows his head, "as you wish Lady Rhea."

He leaves and Robb shuts the door, slightly slamming it.

"Good morning," he says with a smile as he comes to sit back down on the bed next to me.

I scoot over closer to him and wrap my arms around him. He does the same, pulling me closer as he does.

"Morning," I say, rubbing my hand over his perfectly toned chest.

The hard muscle reminds me that even though he's gentle with me, he can be strong and fierce too.

"How'd you sleep," he asks, running his hands up and down my back.

"Better than I have in the past week," I answer, "I think your bed is trying to tell me something."

I look up at him and he's grinning.

"Are you sure it's the bed," he asks and he leans forward to kiss me.

I smile as I meet his lips. We stay connected for a second before he pulls away and kisses my forehead.

"Maester Luwin is on his way," he tells me.

"I know," I admit, "I heard Theon."

His hands travel to my arms where the bandages are.

There were tiny spots of blood on them, but there wasn't anything wrong.

They don't hurt, but I know once Maester Luwin pours the antiseptic on them, they will.

The cut on my cheek has already started to fade and the bruise is already completely gone.

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