Part 1- Chapter 3

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The captain had kept his promise. I arrived in White Harbor four days after sailing from King's Landing. The captain had promised that he would not sleep until we reached White Harbor if I cooked for him. I happily obliged and he had made good on his promise.

When we arrived, I said my thanks and rode my horse straight to Winterfell. I avoided the Kingsroad, mainly because I didn't want to be spotted. I stayed out of the inns and taverns, not wanting to risk a spy seeing me. I only ever stopped when I absolutely needed to.

I wanted to get to Winterfell, so I could relax. No, that's a lie. I wanted to get to Winterfell because I was excited to see him. The thought of seeing him after all these years is what's keeping me going now.

I'm close to Winterfell now, I know I am. The weather is exactly how I remember it- cold, but not too cold. I'm wearing my other riding clothes which consists of the same thing as the last.

My horse, Jack, is starting to tire out, I can tell. He starts to slow down just as we emerge out of the trees. I smile at the sight before me.

Winterfell stands tall and strong; I can see the top of the weirwood sticking out above the wall. Stark banners flap in the wind all around the castle. I pat Jack on his neck, his hair soft and fine.

"Come on Jack," I urge him, "just a little more." He starts to trot towards the Kingsroad which leads all the way into Winterfell.

Many people stare at me as I ride into Winterfell. I must admit, I probably look a little odd. As I dismount my horse, a man walks over to me.

I recognize him immediately, Theon Greyjoy.

He is certainly not the man I've thought about everyday for seven years. His face looks no different than it did before.

"The brothel is outside the castle walls, not inside," Theon says to me.

I remove my hood, letting him see my face. From the unchanging look on his face, I know he doesn't recognize me.

"I'm not a whore," I tell him.

"Then I'm not a man," Theon sneers, "Come on, get back on your horse."

When I don't move, Theon steps closer to me, "or you and I can go somewhere and I'll show you the best night of your life."

His words aggravate me and I slap him across the face, hard.

Theon's head snaps towards me, his eyes blazing with anger. He grabs my hand and raises his other.

"You little bitch," just as I think he's going to hit me, I hear his voice.

"THEON GREYJOY," his deep voice booms through the courtyard. Theon looks to his right and his eyes widen.

"You will not lay a hand on her," he commands. Theon lets go of me and I turn towards him. His blue eyes meet mine and I smile.

Robb Stark walks towards me and bows his head.

"Apologies, M'Lady," he says with a smile, "Theon has not yet mastered his manners around high-born women."

I laugh, "It's quite all right."

I pause for a moment before saying, "it's good to see you Robb."

"And you as well Rhea," he says with a bright smile.

"Rhea," Theon asks, suddenly recognizing me.

I turn towards him and sigh, "let me help you Theon. When addressing high-born women, you always say 'M'Lady' or 'Lady'. In my case, you could say 'Lady Rhea' or 'Lady Tyrell'."

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