Part 1- Chapter 8

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We've been marching south for a fortnight. Every day, more men join Robb's army. By now, he has 18,000 men following him.

The Lannisters are pressing their advantage over us though. Jaime leads a small Lannister army while Tywin leads a larger one. Jaime has attacked the river lords at Riverrun, causing them to fall back.

We're in the Neck now, just a day's ride to the Twins. I know all of this because I sit on Robb's war council. All of his bannermen have accepted me into their ranks after a little demonstration of my abilities.

Robb wanted to practice sword-fighting with me again and by the end of it, a huge crowd had gathered to watch. I won, of course, but defeating Robb had been harder this time. He was getting faster and stronger.

The one good thing about this war is that it's brought Robb and me even closer. Every night, our passion took over our bodies. I am surprised that I'm not with child. My moon's blood came and gone a week after we left Winterfell.

Another good thing was that my nightmares had gone away. Robb thought that I had just gotten over what happened, but I knew better. Robb kept them away because I slept with him.

Today, I'm wearing the dress Robb had given me. I had my maids pin my hair up with a few loose curls hanging out.

Robb is currently discussing war strategies with his bannermen in another tent. He had wanted me to go, but I was exhausted from last night.

Both of us had been strangely energetic last night and we had made sweet, beautiful love three times.

Grey Wind stays with me now since he made Robb's bannermen nervous.

It's nice having the direwolf around. I talk to him sometimes and pretend that he listens to me.

He's walking with me now as I make my way over to the war tent, as I call it. I stop when I hear a voice I haven't heard in a long time.

"I suppose it does," her voice rings out, "I've heard rumors, Robb, that you have a Lady at your side."

"I do," Robb confirms.

"Who is it," she asks.

I walk around to the entrance of the tent and instantly smile. Lady Catelyn is sitting in front of Robb.

Catelyn Stark had been like a mother to me when I had been at Winterfell seven years ago. She had brushed my hair and tucked me in at night when I was scared.

"Lady Catelyn," I say brightly.

She turns to me and a huge smile emerges onto her face. She instantly gets up from the chair and wraps me up in her arms.

"Rhea," she whispers.

I hug her tight and close my eyes, but not before catching a glimpse at a smiling Robb. Lady Catelyn pulls away from me, still smiling.

"I should've known it was you at my son's side," she says with a bright smile, "I assume Ned helped you escaped King's Landing then."

I nod my head, "he did. He got me a ship and sent me to Winterfell."

She takes a deep breath and shakes her head with a smile, "I'm so happy you've returned to us."

"And this time I'm here to stay," I say with a smile.

"I'm happy to hear it," she responds.

Robb grabs my hand and stands next to me.

"If you'll excuse us, Mother, I'd like to speak with Lady Rhea in private," Robb says, "I'll have Theon escort you to your tent."

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