Part 1- Chapter 4

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The sun has set completely by the time Theon knocks on my door.

I had made the maid with the dark hair, whose name is Melissa, my handmaiden. She helps me into the dress that I had brought from Highgarden. It is green and gold with long, draping sleeves, so it covers the bandages. I realize then that I'm wearing Tyrell colors, but it is too late to change out of it.

I open the door to find a smiling Theon.

"Are you ready to attend the feast M'Lady," he asks with a smile.

"Yes, I believe I am," I answer as I step out of my chambers and close the door.

The two of us walk down the corridor towards the Great Hall.

"You look lovely Lady Rhea," Theon compliments, "Tyrell colors are they?"

"Thank you Theon and yes, they are," I confirm.

"I hope you aren't cold," Theon says as we turn a corner.

I shake my head with a smile, "I've never really been bothered by the cold. It's the heat that bothers me."

"Well, you won't find any of that here," Theon states, "that much I can promise you."

Theon certainly hasn't changed much since the last time I saw him.

Winterfell hasn't changed which makes me like it even more. King's Landing is constantly changing and it's not exactly a good type of change.

Theon and I approach the closed doors of the Great Hall when he stops me.

"There are a few things you should know," he says as I turn to look at him, "Jon has taken the black at the Wall." That surprises me.

When I was here before, I knew then that Jon felt like he didn't fit in, but I never would've thought that would lead him to take the black.

"Surely you remember Bran," Theon asks.

I nod my head and smile, "of course I remember Bran."

"He fell from a tower and lost the use of his legs," Theon says.

That catches me completely off guard.

"What," I ask him.

"Lady Catelyn thinks it was the Lannisters' doing," he informs me, "she's taken the Imp and brought him to the Eyrie."

"Why Tyrion," I ask.

"I don't know," Theon answers, "probably because she couldn't get her hands on the Queen or the Kingslayer."

I sigh and nod my head, "is there anything else I should know?"

"Well, you know Lord and Lady Stark had another son after you left," Theon says, "his name's Rickon. He's still quite young though."

I nod again, "anything else?"

"I'm sorry about earlier," he says quietly, "if I had known who you were I wouldn't have said those things."

"Did Robb tell you to apologize," I ask him.

"Not exactly," he says, pointing to his lower left jaw.

I look and see a bruise there; it looks fairly new and I know it wasn't there earlier today when I arrived.

"Who honored you," I ask with a smile.

"Robb," Theon answers, instantly wiping the smile off my face.

"Robb did that to you," I ask incredulously, "why?"

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