Part 2- Chapter 1

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Part 2- Do What Needs To Be Done

Four months. 

That's how long it's been since I've seen his face.

For four months, I've been left with the fact that Robb has married Derwa Frey. It's torture, knowing that he's with another woman. I miss him so much that there is a permanent hole in my heart now.

Every day, I feel as though that hole in my heart only grows bigger and bigger, consuming every part of me.

After I left Robb's camp, I made it all the way to King's Landing without being stopped by anyone. Lord Varys ended up being the one to tell me that Renly and my brother were in Highgarden. I rode until I reached my home. My father and brother greeted me at the gates. They, of course, had heard what happened between me and Robb at the Twins.

All of Westeros now knew what had happened.

I didn't mind though.

This news made Robb look like he was willing to do anything to win this war which is exactly what he needs. He's won three battles against the Lannisters and captured the Kingslayer.

I can't help, but be proud of him.

He's been declared King in the North by his bannermen and now, many people are calling him the Young Wolf.

Not three days after I left the camp, I had found out that Joffrey had executed Lord Stark.

That was one of the worst days of my life.

Ned Stark had been like a father to me and Joffrey had cut of his head for telling the truth. There were rumors going around that all of Cersei's children are not true Baratheons. They're Jaime's bastard kids and now that I think about it, the rumors might be more than rumors.

Ned had died simply because he had known the truth.

Sansa is still in King's Landing, being held prisoner by Cersei.

No one has seen Arya since before Ned's arrest.

I had wanted to take Sansa with me when I was in King's Landing, but I couldn't risk being seen by anyone.

No one has come after me since the last time, but all that has done is made me more suspicious. Either they knew that there was nothing for them to take away from me or they had given up. I knew better than to think that they had simply given up.

Things have changed a lot for me since I arrived in Highgarden.

Margaery and I are actually able to stand each other now. Actually, we had become very close in these last few months.

The same could not be said for Loras and me unfortunately.

That most likely has to do with the fact that I married Renly and that he had told my father the real reason I went to Winterfell. Everyone thought Renly and I had married and that I was pregnant with his child.

This was all a lie, well most of it is.

My father had insisted that I wed someone as soon as possible and Renly offered to 'marry' me, just to make sure I wouldn't have to marry someone else. We got a septon to lie for us, telling everyone that we were wed privately.

As for me being with child, I am pregnant, that part isn't a lie.

It's the part about Renly being the father that's a lie.

Renly's not the father.

Robb is.

However, I couldn't tell anyone that. Only Renly and I knew the true parentage of my child. Telling everyone that my child is Renly's is the best way to protect me and my child.

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