Part 2- Chapter 4

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I'm late to the feast.

I know it the second I step out of my tent. I didn't mean to be late, it just happened.

After returning from my brother's tent, I had fallen asleep. I don't sleep well at night anymore like I used to.

The nightmares had gone; I just couldn't sleep at night. I sleep better during the day, though there were few days where I could sleep during the day.

On those days, Renly tells everyone that it's due to the baby, though that's only half true.

As I walk towards the pavilion, the smell of food hits me long before I see it. I don't know how Renly managed to produce this much food for the feast, but I won't question it.

The second I appear in the pavilion, Renly's eyes meet mine. There's anger there, but mostly there's worry. I give him a small smile, letting him know I'm ok. He seems to relax, but his anger is definitely still present.

As I walk to the front where Renly is seated, Lord Umber walks up to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"It's a blessing to see you again Queen Rhea," he says.

I laugh, hugging the Greatjon back.

"I hope war is treating you well Lord Umber," I say as he lets go of me.

"Better than you I'm afraid, Your Grace," he says apologetically, "it's a pity you had to leave us. You're better than the damned Frey that Robb has married."

"Careful Jon, she is our Queen," Rickard Karstark says, walking up to us.

"Lord Karstark," I greet with a curtsy.

"Your Grace," he smiles as he bows his head, "it's been a long time."

"Too long," I reply.

"Jon is right," Lord Karstark agrees with him, "our Queen is about as smart as a halfwit. You are a much better Queen than she will ever be."

I smile, "thank you My Lord."

"Congratulations on your conception," Lord Karstark says, "I wish you and your husband well."

"Thank you My Lord," I say, the Greatjon catching my eye.

He sees right through me, I know he does. He thinks that I'm despairing over the fact that my child is not Robb's child.

Renly catches my eye and I know he's growing impatient.

"Please excuse me My Lords," I say, "my husband is growing impatient."

"Of course," they both say, moving out of my way, "Your Grace."

I walk towards Renly and sit down in the chair next to him.

As per requirement of our public affection, Renly kisses me. It's just a peck on the lips, nothing more. I can feel a certain pair of blue eyes watching me as Renly pulls away, but I can't look at him.

"You're late," Renly observes, continuing to eat.

I only stare at the food, not as hungry as I thought I was.

"I'm sorry," I apologize to him, "I was asleep."

Renly sighs, "you still can't sleep at night?"

I shake my head, stealing a berry off Renly's plate. My plate only has meat on it, most of it probably from Renly dumping it onto my plate. I pop the berry into my mouth, the sweet fruit exploding in my mouth.

"Are you not hungry either," Renly asks and again I shake my head.

He sighs, "you need to eat. You're supporting two people now, remember?" I sigh and grab another berry off Renly's plate.

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