Part 1- Epilogue

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I wake up long before dawn to start packing.

We had sent Lord Frey his answer when we were done with our intimate activities. Robb had also informed Theon to have my horse ready at dawn so I could leave.

Tears are constantly running from my eyes as I stuff all of my things into a large bag, not leaving anything behind. I don't want Robb to be constantly reminded of me because I left something behind.

He tries to help me pack, but I refuse to let him. He just stands to the side and watches me with sad eyes.

When I finish, I hand my bag to Theon who is waiting outside the tent. He takes it from me and leaves to put it on Willow.

Robb and I walk hand in hand to the edge of the camp. The men that are awake bow their heads to me in sorrow as I pass them.

"M'Lady," they say quietly.

It breaks my heart to see them so sad that I'm leaving.

When we reach the edge of the camp, Theon and Lady Catelyn are waiting for me along with Willow.

"Where will you go," Theon asks me.

"I'll head south," I answer, "I don't know if I should go to Storm's End or Highgarden, so I'll stop in King's Landing. Lord Varys or Lord Baelish should be able to help me."

"Go to Petyr," Lady Catelyn suggests, "tell him I sent you. He'll help you and make sure no one knows you're there."

I nod my head and let go of Robb's hand to hug Theon. He hugs me back and I can't say that I'm not sad to be leaving him behind.

"Stay safe Lady Rhea," he says to me as we let go of each other.

I smile sheepishly, "I'm sorry I slapped you."

He laughs, "It was an honor to be slapped by you, Lady Rhea."

My smile turns genuine as Lady Catelyn engulfs me in her arms. I hug her back, closing my eyes. I've only seen her for two days, but it feels like so much longer.

"I am so sorry Rhea," she whispers to me.

"It's ok," I tell her, pulling apart, "I'll see you again."

She smiles and steps next to Theon.

There's only one person left for me to say good-bye to and it's the hardest one yet.

Robb stands in front of me, his eyes watering. I step towards him and he wastes no time in pulling me against him. His lips meet mine, but there is no frenzy. It's slow and passionate; it's a kiss meant to tell me everything that he doesn't have time to say.

Tears run down both of our faces as we pull apart. He leans his forehead against mine, his arms around my waist.

"I love you Rhea Tyrell, so much," he says to me, "don't ever forget that."

"I love you Robb Stark, so much," I repeat his words, "don't you ever forget that."

He smiles and we kiss one last time before I mount Willow.

With one last look at the people I love, I set off south.

By the time the Stark camp is no longer in sight, I'm full on sobbing.

I hate Walder Frey for doing this to Robb and I. I will find a way to pay him back for this.

You don't cross a Tyrell and you certainly don't cross one who was engaged to a Stark.

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