Part 1- Chapter 5

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"M'Lady, I really think you should have Maester Luwin have a look at these," Melissa says, pointing to the wounds on my arms.

The bandages are wet and I know it's not sweat or blood, its pus.

When I woke up this morning, my arms felt achy, but I had brushed it off. Now that I see it, I know something's wrong.

I didn't go to breakfast this morning, not wanting to see a particular Stark.

I don't regret what happened last night, I'm just wondering if we're moving too fast.

On the same day I had arrived, I had kissed him. Not only just kissed him, but I had wanted more. But I stopped because I knew that if we had taken it any farther, I would've hated myself even more than I do right now.

I know I waited seven years for this, but my mother had forged into my mind the essence of courtship.

My grandmother had a different opinion on the matter and I know she'd be applauding me right now.

"I'll go see Maester Luwin," I give into my handmaiden. She smiles as she helps me with my dress.

It's a short-sleeve pink dress with silver, beaded flowers on the chest. It's one of my flowy dresses from home, but I also know I'll freeze in it if I go outside. Melissa finishes with my dress and I leave my chambers.

I decide to keep my hair down today, only because I don't feel like sitting in front of my vanity for 10 minutes.

As I walk down the corridors, I make sure Robb isn't near. I know it's childish of me to avoid him like this, but until I figure it out in my head, he'll just keep conflicting me.

I find Maester Luwin in the library, reading about the history of Westeros.

"Lady Rhea," he says as he notices my presence, "we seemed to have missed you at breakfast."

"Yes, I was quite tired from my journey," I lie.

"What can I do for you," he asks.

I walk over to him and show him the bandages.

"I think I'll take you up on your offer," I say with a weak smile.

The expression on his face, however, concerns me.

"Do they hurt," he asks as he examines them lightly.

"They ache," I admit.

He gets up from his chair and leads me out of the library towards the infirmary.

"Have they been oozing pus for a while," he asks as we walk.

"No, it started this morning," I answer.

"Good," he says, "you must've ripped the skin open." We reach the infirmary just as I hear someone call my name.

"Lady Rhea," Theon calls out, walking towards Maester Luwin and me.

"Theon," I plead with him, "please pretend you never saw me."

"But Robb-" I cut him off before he can continue.

"Please Theon," I say, giving him the best begging look I could.

He sighs and nods his head, "fine, but you owe me." I smile and nod my head before walking into the infirmary.

Maester Luwin immediately starts to grab bottles and cloths from the tables.

"Are you wearing an underdress," he asks.

"Yes," I answer.

"Good," he says, "you might want to take the top one off." He gives me a look and I catch on.

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