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I can do it, I have to

At the top of the ramp, I took a moment to steady myself.

The crowd's murmurs were a distant hum, drowned out by the pounding of my heart.

I patted my left shoulder with my right hand.

I stepped forward, my breath steadying as I prepared.

You've got this, Nabi

With a burst of speed, I hurtled down the ramp, the snow beneath my board crackling with each turn. As I launched into the air.

The trick felt like it unfolded in slow motion. I spun through the first corkscrew, the world tilting around me as I completed the second rotation. The third cork came effortlessly, and I felt a rush of exhilaration as I extended my legs for the landing.

I touched down smoothly, the board gripping the snow perfectly.

The impact was clean, and I rode out of the landing with fluid grace.

The crowd erupted into cheers, their applause blending with the pounding beat of my racing heart.

I did it...Mom, I did it...

I made my way to the designated spot to wait for my score, the camera trained on me.

I removed my mask and neck warmer, trying to calm my racing heart.

The roar of the crowd and their cheers filled the air.

The tension I had been holding seemed to dissolve, replaced by a profound sense of happiness. For the first time in my life, my heart felt light.

When the number 92 flashed on the screen, my heart nearly stopped.

Holy molyy.

A wave of relief and excitement hit me all at once, and I couldn't help but grin.

The crowd's cheers intensified, and I felt like I was on top of the world.

I joined Reira and the others who were waiting for their turn.

"Well done, Nabi! See? You did it!" Reira said, giving me a quick hug.

"I still can't believe it, but now I'm much, much calmer. You ready to crush it?" I said, challenging her with my eyes.

"You know I won't go down without a fight!" she laughed before heading off for her jump.

Each run was nerve-wracking, but we both gave it everything we had.

I was the last in my heat, so they were waiting for my score to see who would end up on the podium.

I rejoined Reira and the others as we watched the leaderboard, cameras all around ready to capture the moment.

1# Reira Iwabuchi
2# Chō

We looked at each other at the same time, our eyes widening before we burst out cheering, hugging each other tightly, jumping up and down like two excited kids.

"We did it!" Reira shouted.

"I can't believe it!" I laughed, feeling a rush of happiness that was almost overwhelming.

Second place felt surreal, but standing next to Reira, who had just taken first, made it even more special.

We grabbed our boards and raised them in the air, celebrating our victories together. The crowd's cheers fueled our excitement even more.

It was one of those moments where nothing else mattered—just us, our hard work, and the thrill of finally seeing it all pay off.

As we calmed down, Reira wrapped her arm around my shoulders and whispered, "I'm so proud of you, Nabi."

courage dear heart    |    Yuki Ishikawa Where stories live. Discover now