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"It's going to be okay. If you need me, I'll be right outside, alright?" Yuki repeated for what felt like the fifth time that morning.

The nerves were starting to get the best of me as I paced back and forth in the small meeting room reserved for the team, my thoughts racing at the idea of finally talking to Hanbin. My hands felt clammy, and I kept fiddling with the hem of my hoodie, trying to steady my breathing.

I couldn't help but replay in my mind all the possible outcomes of our conversation—his reaction, the things he might say, the resentment I feared I'd see in his eyes. My stomach twisted into knots just imagining it. I hadn't talked to him in what felt like ages, and the weight of everything left unsaid between us was suffocating.

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at the clock. The meeting was minutes away, and I could feel my heart pounding faster. What if he didn't want to hear me out? What if this conversation only made things worse?

I shook my head, trying to push the doubts away. I had to do this. I had to face him, no matter how terrified I was.

My fingers wouldn't stop fidgeting, and I kept glancing at the door every few seconds. The tension in the air was thick, and my mind raced with everything I wanted to say but feared I wouldn't be able to.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Hanbin stepped inside. His presence seemed to fill the room instantly, his expression unreadable as his eyes landed on me. My breath caught in my throat.

Yuki, who had been sitting quietly, stood up and greeted Hanbin with a polite nod. "Hanbin," he said, his tone calm and friendly, before turning his attention to me. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, a silent gesture of reassurance. "I'll be right outside," he murmured before leaving the room, his hand gently squeezing mine before he let go.

The door closed softly behind him, and the room felt suddenly smaller. I was alone with Hanbin, and the silence between us seemed to stretch on forever. My heart pounded in my chest as I finally looked up to meet his gaze, unsure of what to expect.

He wasn't as tall as Yuki, but still towered over me by at least 10 centimeters. His dark hair was just like mine, and his eyes, though smaller, were the same green. He had grown so much, become so handsome.

But standing here now, it wasn't just his appearance that overwhelmed me—it was the weight of everything we hadn't said, everything we'd kept hidden for so long

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But standing here now, it wasn't just his appearance that overwhelmed me—it was the weight of everything we hadn't said, everything we'd kept hidden for so long.

"Hi Hanbin-oppa." Despite the few minutes apart, I always liked calling him Oppa.

"Hi Nabi," he said with a half-smile as he sat down on the couch next to me.

"How was Milan?" he asked, his eyes fixed on me, betraying no emotion.

"It was bad," I replied, noticing his eyes widen ever so slightly.

"I felt empty again, with no purpose in life. I wanted to come back here." I tried to keep my voice steady, fighting back the tremor.

Come on, Nabi, he's just your brother.

courage dear heart    |    Yuki Ishikawa Where stories live. Discover now