Capitulum 27

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I snuggled closer to the warmth that seemed to surround me. I groaned as it stirred, moving away from me. My eyes opened slowly, I carefully rubbed my eyes as I tried to figure out where I was. My surroundings seemed like a regular forest yet everything seemed to be so much more peaceful.

I took a deep breath as I forced myself to stand up, closing my eyes as I let my instinct following me through the trees. Suddenly a low purr was heard as I opened my eyes, in front of me was a giant white wolf as it towered over me.

My eyes taking its perfect form in, her white fur fluffy and shiny as it carefully moved closer. I extended my hand and felt her soft nuzzle against my hand. The explosion of sparks erupted on my skin.

'Alcione.' I whispered.

She wagged her huge tail. 'Hello little mate.' Her voice sounded loud and clear in my head. I took in her gorgeous, strong muscled body. Her eyes were dark compared to her fluffy white fur. 'You are beautiful.' I breathed.

She purred loudly as she kneeled in front of me, motioning for me to get on her back. I let her warmth consume as the tingles spread through my body. Alcione slowly led us through the forest, dodging tree branches and jumping over the rivers. 'Where are we?' I was in awe at the sight of this place.

'We are in a world between your wolf and human state. A celestial barrier separating our wolves from our human form.' Alcione spoke softly.

My finger involuntarily ran over my new mark, I couldn't help the shiver that ran down my spine. This place felt surreal, Leto would love this. My eyes widened, I couldn't sense Leto.

'She is alright. Don't worry.' Alcione her voice sounded once more as she answered my unasked question.

Alcione slowed down, 'Long before werewolves existed, Lycans roamed the earth,' she began to explain. 'They founded the city Lycosura. A place where Lycans lived in peace, ruling the earth.'

I gasped into the blue air that swam with floral fragrance, the old ruins rose to welcome us. I was at lost for words as the sight of an old castle came to view, around it buildings that had been teared down. The old ruins whispered tales of gallant chivalry to the flora and fauna.

'What is this place?' I whispered.

'Lycosura.' She responded, with a blink of an eye the sight was gone, replaced by the woods.

'Lycaon, was the first ever Lycan also known as the Lycan King. Mated to Cyllene. Lycaon craved power after Zeus killed most of his sons. He wanted more, he wanted Deianira. The one female Lycan queen, the most powerful Lycan to have ever roamed the earth.'

I was trying to wrap my head around this situation, Alcione stopped as she kneeled down one more, indicating I had to get off her back. I wasn't completely sure how to handle this situation. Alcione her nuzzle poking my back. 'Can you explain this urge I feel?'

Alcione her eyes followed me, 'The ancient power you feel deep inside of you, is the power of a Lycan.'

My eyes widened in shock. 'I am a Lycan-wolf?'

Alcione her eyes met mine, nodding her head softly. 'You are the heir to the Lycan throne Accalia. You are the key to breaking the curse.'

'But.. I can't be.' I tried to protest, my voice sounding weak.

Alcione whimpered softly as she lead me over the rocks to the open field, in the distance I saw wolves tumbling and running around. Barking happily.

'This power deep inside of you will grow stronger with time. You need to trust it Accalia. You have to complete the bound with Kena.' Alcione her voice sounded. The wolves in the distance stopped as they watched us walk over, a giant white wolf slowly walking towards me and I instantly recognized her. 'Leto.' I smiled and she answered me with a happy bark.

The six wolves in the back eyeing me carefully as they roamed around the rock in the middle, I squinted my eyes trying to see whatever it was. A white figure sitting on the rock, white silver hair flowing with the wind as she cuddled the wolves.

'Who is that?'

Leto stopped in front of me, her eyes never leaving mine as she slowly leaned forward, connecting our foreheads together.

Alcione purred, 'You are the key to the Lycan line Accalia. Protect us.'

My vison became blurry before the darkness surrounded me once more. 

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