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(6 Month Time Skip)

(6 Month Time Skip)

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Los Angeles (Her house)

March 2nd, 10:00 pm

The days are getting shorter, and the nights longer. My feet feel like they've grown roots into the floor, and the baby's movements are becoming more pronounced, more urgent. Each kick and flutter feels like a little message from our future. It's almost poetic—this final stretch before we meet our child.

I look in the mirror, my reflection a full circle of life about to turn a new chapter. I see the glow that's more exhaustion than radiance now, but I'm okay with it. This is where we are, and this is where I'm supposed to be. As I rest my hands on the curve of my belly, I'm flooded with memories of the past six months—of Chris and his unwavering support.

I remember the day I found out we were expecting, I was a bundle of nerves and excitement,  I can still see his face when we saw those ultrasound pictures, his eyes wide and glistening. I knew then that this journey wouldn't be a solitary one. Looking back, he has been true to his word and helped me through the rest of this whole process in very specific instances.

Second Trimester

I was a mess of morning sickness and fatigue, and one particular day, I had to cancel a photoshoot because I couldn't keep anything down. Chris didn't just stay home; he turned the living room into a makeshift spa. I remember him spreading out blankets and pillows, creating a cozy nest for me to lounge in while he cooked up some ginger tea and toast. He put on my favorite movies, and even though I was feeling terrible, he had this way of making everything seem a little brighter. His tender care in those moments made me feel like we were a team, facing this together.

Third Trimester

By the third trimester, the physical strain was becoming harder to ignore. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, restless and uncomfortable, and Chris would always be there. I remember one night, he surprised me by setting up a nighttime routine that included a warm bath, gentle massage, and his calming presence. He was so attentive to my needs, asking if I needed anything and making sure I was comfortable. His ability to empathize and adapt to my changing needs has been a cornerstone of our relationship throughout this pregnancy.

And it's not just the big gestures. It's the little things too—the way he remembers my cravings and brings me exactly what I'm in the mood for, or how he's learned to navigate my mood swings with patience and understanding. Chris is always asking, "How can I help?" and "What do you need?" He's not just present; he's engaged, actively involved in every aspect of this journey.

Now, as I sit here in the final month, the anticipation is almost palpable. The nursery is ready, Chris having meticulously arranged every detail. We've prepared as best we can, and yet, there's this undercurrent of nervous excitement that's impossible to ignore. I feel the baby's kicks more frequently, and each one is a reminder of how close we are to holding our little one in our arms.

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