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Anya was still dazed when she climbed into bed that night, her mind racing with thoughts of what had just happened between her and that *rude fox*—Duryodhan. Her face flushed red as she recalled his touch, the way his hand had gripped her waist, how close his lips had come to hers.

"*He didn't even kiss me!*" she thought, cutely cursing under her breath, her lips pouting. Then, as if catching herself, she slapped her cheeks lightly. “Why am I thinking about this?!” she muttered, embarrassed by her own thoughts. A few moments later, her head hit the pillow, and all her worries faded. Anya snored peacefully, deciding nothing—not even confusing thoughts about Duryodhan—would spoil her beauty sleep.


The next morning, Anya woke up refreshed and ready to depart for Indraprastha. She dressed in a beautiful travel outfit, her heart racing at the idea of seeing her brother and Kunti Ma again. As she prepared to leave, Rajmata gandhari hugged her warmly.

“Travel safely, my dear,” Gandhari said, her voice filled with affection.

Angraj Karn also bid her goodbye with his usual calm smile. “Safe journey, Anya. Indraprastha awaits your radiance.”

But even as everyone came to see her off, Anya couldn’t help but notice that one important face was missing—Duryodhan.

Her cheeks puffed up in annoyance as she thought, *Now he’s avoiding me. Rude fox! He couldn’t even say goodbye.*

Trying to shake the thought of him, she climbed into the palanquin along with Subhadra and Dushala, ready to begin the journey to Indraprastha. Subhadra stretched, already feeling tired from packing.

“Finally, we’re off! I thought I’d never finish getting everything ready,” Subhadra said, letting out a loud yawn.

Dushala chuckled and glanced at Anya, who was unusually quiet, lost in thought. “Anya, why are you so silent today? Did something happen?”

Subhadra grinned, poking Anya’s side. “Maybe she’s thinking about someone. Hmm?”

Anya snapped out of her thoughts and shot them a playful glare. “Me? Thinking about someone? Absolutely not!” she said, crossing her arms. “If anything, I’m thinking about how peaceful it’ll be without a certain *rude fox* around.”

Dushala and Subhadra exchanged knowing glances and burst into laughter. “You mean brother Duryodhan? Oh, Anya, you’re terrible at hiding things!” Dushala teased.

Anya huffed dramatically, flipping her hair. “I have no idea what you're talking about! But if you must know, I’m more excited about seeing my brother and Draupadi. And eating all the sweets they’ll make for me!” she said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

The palanquin swayed gently as the three girls continued their teasing and banter. Anya soon returned to her usual funny self, lightening the mood with her witty remarks and playful behavior.


Meanwhile, back in Hastinapur, Duryodhan sat in his chamber, his mind unwillingly wandering back to Anya. He leaned back in his chair, swirling his drink in his hand. The news of her departure for Indraprastha had left a strange feeling in his chest. He tried to focus on the matters at hand—the endless political strategies and kingdom issues—but every time he closed his eyes, he could feel her soft waist under his hand, hear her breath hitch when he had whispered in her ear.

"She's still such a bratty kid," he muttered under his breath, though his lips twitched in a faint smile at the memory of her pouting face.

Yet, as much as he told himself it was for the best that she was gone, the nagging thought remained. *Why did it bother me so much when she said she was leaving?* He took another sip of his drink, shaking his head. "She's leaving for Indraprastha, not my concern anymore."


In Indraprastha, Draupadi was bustling around the kitchen, instructing the servants on the final touches for the welcome feast. The aroma of fresh food filled the air, and she was determined to make everything perfect for their guests.

“Make sure the ladoos are fresh and sweet,” she said as she moved around gracefully.

Bheem entered the kitchen with a wide grin. “Panchali! Are the ladoos ready yet? I need to make sure they taste perfect!” He grabbed one from the tray but was quickly intercepted by Draupadi.

“*Arya Bheem,* can you please sit and rest for once? You’ll get your ladoos later!” she scolded, waving her hand at him.

Bheem grumbled, but Nakul chimed in with a teasing grin. “Oh, Panchali’s working hard.  Brother Bheem, maybe you can help her... or eat all the food before the guests arrive.”

Sahadev chuckled. “True, brother. You don’t seem to have any other work than filling your stomach.”

Bheem growled playfully at the two younger brothers. “Nakul! Sahadev! Do you both want a good beating before the guests arrive?”

The banter continued, with Nakul and Sahadev dodging Bheem’s playful threats as Arjun entered the kitchen, laughing at the scene. “Looks like brother Bheem is as obsessed with ladoos as ever,” he said, joining the fun.

Yudhishthir walked in after him, his calm demeanor immediately easing the playful chaos. “Enough, brothers. Let’s not trouble Panchali. She has enough on her plate.”

Draupadi sighed but smiled lovingly at her family. “You’re all impossible. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

At that moment, Kunti entered with a bright smile. “They’re near! They’ll be here any moment now,” she announced.

Everyone’s faces lit up at the news, but one person was visibly more excited than the rest. Eyes sparkling, he muttered under his breath, “Finally... I hope I can see you sooner, Anya.”


Back in the palanquin, Anya leaned her head against the soft cushions, oblivious to the thoughts of the person waiting for her in Indraprastha. As they neared the city, her excitement grew.

“I wonder what kind of ladoos Bheem Bhaiya has made this time!” she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

Subhadra giggled, shaking her head. “Anya, you think of nothing but food.”

“And why not? Food makes everything better!” Anya quipped, flashing a mischievous grin.

The journey continued with laughter and teasing, but in the back of Anya’s mind, she couldn’t help but feel a strange pull. Despite the laughter, her thoughts occasionally drifted back to the *rude fox* she had left behind in Hastinapur.

Anya's ancient antics: a mahabharat taleWhere stories live. Discover now