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As Anya left the training area, still grumbling about Duryodhan's comments, she muttered under her breath, "How dare he say I'm not beautiful! Clearly, he needs his eyes checked. Dwarka had fans of my beauty, and here I am, having to deal with *him* thinking he's some sort of big deal!"

She puffed her cheeks in frustration as she made her way to Rajmata Gandhari's chambers. When she arrived, she greeted the queen with her usual enthusiastic smile. "Pranipat, Rajmata Gandhari!"

Gandhari welcomed her warmly, her voice as calm and loving as ever. "Come here, Anya. I've chosen some jewelry for you. You'll need to wear it when you travel to Indraprastha. Kunti sent me a message, asking me to bring you, Subhadra, and Dushala along for the event."

Anya's eyes sparkled with excitement. "We're going to Indraprastha? Oh, that's going to be so much fun! But Rajmata, aren't you coming with us?"

Gandhari shook her head gently. "No, Putri. I have my duties to attend to here. But you, Subhadra, and Dushala will represent the family. Now, come and pick out your jewelry."

Anya looked over and saw Subhadra and Dushala were already there, seated beside a massive collection of gold necklaces, rings, earrings, and bangles. It was like a treasure chest had exploded on the table, and Anya's eyes grew wide as she spotted a gigantic necklace, glittering with gold.

Her thoughts immediately wandered off into her modern-day life. *How much money could I get for this in my time?* She imagined selling the piece for an enormous amount and living like royalty. Her daydream was quickly interrupted by Subhadra's voice.

"Anya, are you sure you can manage this heavy jewelry?" Subhadra asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

Anya, in her usual confident manner, puffed out her chest. "Of course I can! I'm a princess, after all. I can handle anything!"

With that, she eagerly began trying on all the heavy jewelry-necklaces, earrings, rings, everything she could find. She twirled around, showing off the layers of gold and sparkling gems. "Look at me! Do I not look like a goddess?" she exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

Dushala and Subhadra watched with amused expressions, while Rajmata Gandhari smiled fondly.

But after only five minutes of flaunting her new look, Anya's expression shifted from pride to discomfort. "Okay, okay, enough!" she whined, struggling to move her neck under the weight of the massive necklace. "Someone please take this off! It's like wearing a whole house around my neck!"

Subhadra couldn't help but giggle. "I warned you, didn't I?"

Anya nodded dramatically, her hands up as she tried to free herself. "You were right, you were right! I surrender to the wisdom of Subhadra! Now take it off, please! This thing weighs more than my whole self-esteem after talking to Duryodhan!"

After some struggle, the heavy pieces were finally removed, and Anya quickly chose simpler, more elegant jewelry-a delicate necklace with matching earrings and a bracelet. She turned to Gandhari, her usual enthusiasm restored. "There! This is better. Simple, yet still making me look fabulous. Don't you think?"

Gandhari chuckled softly. "You look lovely, Anya. Sometimes, simplicity is the best choice."

Feeling proud of her final selection, Anya gave her thanks and hurried out of the chamber. She was eager to show off her new look-lighter and much more comfortable. As she exited, she nearly bumped into Shakuni, who was standing just outside with his ever-present, sly smile.

*Does this man ever get tired of smiling like that?* she wondered, staring at him with mild curiosity.

"Pranipat, Shakuni Mama!" Anya greeted him with a beaming smile, completely unfazed by his sinister aura.

Anya's ancient antics: a mahabharat taleWhere stories live. Discover now