chapter 47

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Anya woke up nestled in Duryodhan’s arms, her usual spot for the past few weeks. She had grown fond of his warmth and comfort, making it a habit to snuggle close to him each night. Her long, blonde hair was in a wild mess, sticking out in every direction like a bird’s nest. Still half-asleep, she murmured, “Good morning, husband,” her voice soft and sleepy as she squinted her eyes open.

Duryodhan chuckled, his deep voice full of warmth as he kissed the top of her head. “Good morning, beautiful.”

Anya, still feeling the softness of his chest beneath her cheek, snuggled closer to him like a lazy puppy. “Five more minutes…” she mumbled, nuzzling into him.

Duryodhan smiled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “You seem far too comfortable,” he teased, wrapping an arm around her. “But don’t you want to get up? What about creating more of your ‘culinary masterpieces’?”

Anya groaned, burying her face deeper against him. “Ugh, don’t remind me... The kitchen will survive without me today.”

With a soft chuckle, Duryodhan kissed her forehead and gently pulled away, getting up from the bed. “I’ll go take a bath. Try not to fall back asleep, my sleepy princess.”

Once Duryodhan was gone, Anya rolled over and stared at the ceiling. With a sigh, she sat up and looked at the mirror across the room. Her eyes widened in horror.

“Oh gods…” she muttered, her reflection looking back at her like she had just returned from some battlefield. Her hair was a complete disaster, sticking out in every direction, while her face was marked with pillow creases. “I look like a ghost that’s been attacked by wild animals.”

Shaking her head, Anya scrambled out of bed, muttering to herself about the cruelty of mornings as she hurried to fix her appearance. After what seemed like an eternity of brushing, braiding, and muttering under her breath, she finally managed to tame her hair and look somewhat presentable.

Freshly dressed and looking far more human, Anya made her way to the main hall. Gandhari and Shakuni were seated there, engaged in what seemed like an intense conversation. Gandhari’s serene presence radiated calm, while Shakuni, with his ever-sly smile, looked particularly mischievous today.

“Good morning, mother,” Anya greeted Gandhari with a warm smile, bowing slightly before turning to Shakuni. “mamashree.”

Gandhari smiled softly in return. “Good morning, my dear. How are you today?”

Anya beamed, her earlier morning horror fading. “I’m well, thank you!” She sat beside them, curious about what was being discussed.

Gandhari straightened, her tone becoming more formal. “Anya, today we are expecting guests. They are very important, and we need to prepare the palace accordingly.”

Anya’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Guests? From where?”

Before Gandhari could respond, Shakuni leaned in with that familiar, sly smile of his. “Very important guests, dear Anya. They are from Kalinga. I’m sure you’ll take excellent care of them, won’t you?”

Anya blinked, completely missing the slyness in his tone. “Of course! I’ll make sure everything is perfect.” She grinned, already planning how to decorate the palace.

Shakuni exchanged a knowing glance with Gandhari, his smile widening ever so slightly. “I have no doubt you’ll do an exceptional job.”

Not understanding Shakuni’s hidden meaning, Anya nodded enthusiastically. “No worries! The palace will look amazing. I’ll give the kitchen a break today and focus on the decorations.”

Anya's ancient antics: a mahabharat taleWhere stories live. Discover now