chapter 27

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**In Hastinapur -

As Duryodhan and Balaram finished their intense mace fight, the tension in the air began to settle. Balaram, breathing heavily, clapped Duryodhan on the shoulder with pride. "You've become a true warrior, Duryodhan. I'm proud to call you my student. Your strength rivals even my own."

Duryodhan bowed respectfully, though a shadow loomed over his heart. Despite the praise, his mind wasn't on the battle but elsewhere-on someone who no longer seemed to care for him. He kept his expression stoic, unwilling to reveal the turmoil inside.

As they gathered their weapons, Shakuni walked over, his eyes gleaming with cunning. "Ah, what a marvelous match, Balaram ji! You and Duryodhan make a perfect team. The way you two fight together, I can only imagine how strong the ties between Hastinapur and Dwarka would be if we made our bonds even closer."

Balaram raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips. "Closer? How much closer do you suggest?"

Shakuni chuckled, adjusting his shawl. "A marriage, of course. I propose an alliance between Duryodhan and Princess Subhadra. Such a union would solidify the relationship between Hastinapur and Dwarka, creating an unbreakable bond."

Balaram paused for a moment, considering the suggestion. "Marriage to Subhadra, you say?" He crossed his arms, his gaze shifting between Shakuni and Duryodhan. "It's not a bad idea. Subhadra's happiness is important to me, though."

Duryodhan remained silent, feeling the weight of his uncle's words. He wasn't interested in Subhadra, but Shakuni's manipulations were powerful, and the allure of a strong alliance couldn't be denied.

"Of course, Balaram ji," Shakuni interjected smoothly, "Happiness is at the heart of all this. And who better than Duryodhan to bring Subhadra joy? He is brave, strong, and a prince of great renown."

Balaram laughed heartily, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "True, true. Duryodhan, you'd make a fine husband for any woman, especially Subhadra. I'll give my blessing to this union."

Duryodhan's jaw tightened, his heart feeling the familiar ache. He didn't want this, but the need for strength, for power, gnawed at him. "If this is what will bring Hastinapur and Dwarka closer, then I accept." His voice was steady, but inside, his thoughts swirled with memories of Anya.


**In Dwarka -

Back in Dwarka, Anya was trying her best to hide her sorrow behind her usual jokes and laughter. She had spent her days making everyone around her laugh, but deep down, she couldn't shake the guilt she felt about Duryodhan.

"Ugh!" she groaned as she paced the palace halls. "Why does that big, stubborn mule have to be so dramatic? Sure, I might have gone behind his back and married off his sister to Drishtadyumna, but seriously, it's not like I regret it! Dushala's happy! That should be enough, right?" She puffed her cheeks, hands on her hips as she grumbled to herself.

But no matter how much she tried to justify it, her heart ached. Duryodhan hadn't forgiven her, and it was eating away at her. She had tried to coax him, to make him smile, but nothing worked. He had just pushed her away, leaving her feeling rejected for the first time in her life.

"Hmph, his loss!" she muttered, though her lips trembled. "Who ignores someone as fabulous as me? And he's still upset? What a drama queen!"

As she was pacing, Subhadra entered, giggling at Anya's grumpy expression. "Oh, what's wrong with you now? Did someone eat your favorite sweets?"

Anya huffed dramatically. "No! But if someone doesn't forgive me soon, I might just run away with the sweets and never come back!"

Subhadra laughed and poked Anya's cheek. "Oh, stop being so dramatic. It's not like you to sulk. Did something happen with that 'big bully' you're always muttering about?"

Anya's eyes widened. "Subhadra! I do NOT mutter about him!"

Subhadra crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. "Uh-huh. Sure you don't. You've been spacing out all week. What's going on?"

Anya sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "It's just... Duryodhan. He's still mad at me for what I did. And... I didn't think it would hurt this much, but it does."

Subhadra softened, her teasing smile fading. "Oh, Anya. You care about him, don't you?"

Anya blinked, biting her lip. "Maybe I do... But it doesn't matter. He probably hates me now. Hmph, his loss, right?"

Subhadra chuckled. "If you say so. But don't let him get to you. You're strong, Anya. And funny. And maybe a little annoying, but in the best way."

Anya playfully shoved her. "Annoying? Me? Never!"


Meanwhile, Arjun had arrived at the temple of Somnath in Dwarka, his eyes scanning the horizon as the ocean breeze ruffled his hair. After years of exile, he had finally returned to this sacred place, though his heart still felt heavy. His marriages to Ulupi and Chitrangada had formed strong alliances, but they didn't ease the ache he felt for his brothers and Draupadi.

Walking through the temple grounds, he felt the familiar weight of time and responsibility on his shoulders. He had spent so many years wandering, fulfilling his duties, but now, standing here in Dwarka, he couldn't help but feel lost.

He missed Indraprastha. He missed Draupadi.

"Only one more year," Arjun murmured to himself, gripping the hilt of his bow. "One more year, and I'll return to my family."

As he approached the temple, his mind drifted to the stories he had heard of Subhadra's impending marriage. He knew his cousin Krishna had a plan, as always, but Arjun's heart raced at the thought of meeting Subhadra. Would she see him the same way? Would she accept him?

He shook his head, focusing on the present. There were too many questions and not enough answers. For now, he would leave it to Krishna to guide his path.

As he entered the temple, Arjun felt a sense of peace wash over him. Dwarka, with all its grandeur, was a place of both power and serenity. And yet, even here, with the sound of the ocean waves and the gentle hum of prayers, Arjun couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change.


**Back in Dwarka -

After Subhadra left, Anya leaned on the balcony, watching the sunset, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Ah, Subhadra's next, huh? How cliche... Running away with Arjun in a chariot during her wedding? Classic." She giggled to herself, imagining the whole scene. "And here I thought my life was dramatic. Well, at least she gets a prince on a chariot. I just get...ignored."

With a huff, she plopped down on a chair, crossing her arms. "Hmph. First Dushala, now Subhadra. Everyone's getting their fairytale, but me? Oh no, I get the grumpy prince who refuses to forgive me. Typical. But, hey, what's life without a little drama?"

Despite her jokes, the pain in her chest remained.

"I hope you all enjoy this chapter! 💗 Don't forget to share your thoughts and vote. Another chapter is coming later today!"

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