chapter 34

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"Surprise! My 'allures' decided to take a holiday today, so I thought, why not treat you with a bonus chapter from my secret stash? Don't forget to *read*, *vote*, and drop a comment—because your feedback is what fuels my plot twists!"😌💜💫

Arjun and Subhadra’s chariot finally slowed down as they reached the outskirts of Dwarka. Subhadra, still catching her breath from the wild ride, turned to Arjun with wide eyes.

"I can't believe we actually did that," she said, a mixture of excitement and nerves dancing in her voice.

Arjun smiled, looking every bit the charming hero, his hair slightly disheveled from the wind. "Well, if we're going to elope, we might as well do it with flair, right?"

Subhadra shook her head, laughing softly. "I don’t think I’ve ever seen Anya look more confused in her life. The poor girl probably didn’t even get a chance to finish her sweets."

Arjun chuckled. "We’ll make it up to her later. Right now, we need to focus on convincing   Balaram dau ."

Subhadra sighed, her expression turning serious. "He’s going to be so angry."

Arjun reached over, gently taking her hand. "I’ll handle Balaram dau . Just leave it to me."

Later, when they entered Dwarka, the mood was tense. The entire palace had already been buzzing with the news of their elopement. But to everyone’s surprise, Balaram, though initially furious, softened when he saw Subhadra's pleading expression. In the end, he accepted their marriage for the sake of his beloved sister.

The wedding took place soon after, a grand yet subdued affair. As the guests gathered, Subhadra walked down the aisle with a shy smile, holding Arjun’s hand. Despite the drama, the love between them was palpable.

When it was time for blessings, Kunti was the first to step forward. She embraced Subhadra warmly. “Welcome to the family, my dear,” she whispered, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Gandhari followed, giving Subhadra a small smile as she placed her hand on her head. "May you be happy, my child."

Dhritarashtra, on the other hand, stood stiffly, clearly still upset. His brows were furrowed, and his lips formed a thin line as he gave a curt nod. “May you have a prosperous life,” he said, his voice lacking warmth, but the blessing was still given.

As Subhadra made her way to Anya, she looked guilty, wringing her hands nervously. “Anya... I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to run off like that without telling you.”

Anya crossed her arms, trying to appear stern but failing miserably as she fought off a smirk. “Oh, so now you apologize, huh? After leaving me in a dust cloud and making me look like a wandering beggar? I’m still coughing up dirt, you know.”

Subhadra bit her lip, stifling a laugh. “I really am sorry!”

Anya couldn’t keep the act up any longer. She broke into a grin and hugged Subhadra tightly. “Fine, fine, I forgive you. But next time you elope, at least give me a heads-up, okay? I would’ve brought snacks for the journey.”

Subhadra laughed, grateful for Anya’s forgiving nature. “I promise.”

Anya turned to Arjun, her eyes narrowing playfully. “And you! How dare you steal my friend away without any notice? I was supposed to watch her wedding, not be a witness to a real-life heist!”

Arjun raised his hands in surrender, smiling sheepishly. “I’ll make it up to you, Anya.”

“Hmph! You better,” Anya teased. “Or I’ll start telling people you rode off like a bandit in the night.”

Just as the mood lightened, Kunti stepped forward with a bright smile, but her words made Anya’s stomach twist in knots. "Speaking of weddings," Kunti began, "we should finalize Anya’s marriage to Nakul. It’s an auspicious time, and we can hold it in just two days."

Anya's eyes widened in panic. "W-wait, hold on a second—" she started, but no one seemed to hear her. The elders immediately dove into plans, discussing the preparations and the dates.

She tried to interject again. “But I—”

“No need to worry, Anya,” Kunti said kindly. “We’ll take care of everything. You just focus on being a beautiful bride.”

Anya’s jaw dropped. *Again?* She thought to herself, *They’re doing it again! Not even a chance to explain! Am I just going to be dragged to the mandap without saying a word?!*

As the conversation swirled around her, she could feel a dark gaze burning into her. She slowly turned her head, her heart skipping a beat as her eyes met Duryodhan’s. He was standing across the room, his expression unreadable, but the intensity in his eyes sent a shiver down her spine.

Anya gulped, her mind racing. *Why is he so quiet? Why isn’t he causing a scene?* She thought. *Wait... is he thinking I helped with Arjun and Subhadra’s elopement? Oh no, no, no! I had nothing to do with it this time! I was an innocent bystander, I swear!*

She shot him a nervous glance and tried to avoid his gaze, but his eyes never left her. *He’s definitely plotting something. I just know it. Ugh, this is the worst. First, Subhadra runs off, and now they’re planning my wedding without even asking!*

Anya rubbed her temples in frustration. *Great, just great. Two days. They’ve given me two days!*

As the elders continued discussing the wedding arrangements, Anya muttered to herself, “I’m not breaking my marriage, huh? Well, at least I wasn’t involved in this elopement drama... this time.” She glanced at Duryodhan again. *But I’m definitely in for another kind of drama.*

As Anya stood amidst the bustling wedding preparations, her mind was spinning in a mix of disbelief and confusion. Everywhere she looked, people were busy, planning for a marriage she didn’t even agree to. And then there was Duryodhan, still watching her from across the room with that unreadable expression.

Before Anya could gather her thoughts, Krishna approached her with his signature mischievous smile. "My dear Anya, you seem a little... overwhelmed."

Anya groaned, rubbing her temples. "A little? Krishna, I feel like I’m being swept along like a leaf in a hurricane! First, Subhadra and Arjun pull off the grand elopement, leaving me behind like some forgotten sidekick. Now, everyone’s planning my wedding without even bothering to ask me! What’s next? Are they going to dress me up like a doll and drag me to the mandap?"

Krishna chuckled, clearly entertained by her dramatic flair. "Well, if anyone could pull off a grand escape, it’s you. Though I must admit, I’m surprised you didn’t join in on the elopement plan."

Anya shot him a look. "Hey! This time I’m innocent! I had no part in it. If I had known, I would’ve at least brought some snacks for the ride. Do you know how long I was stuck at the temple, waiting for Subhadra to finish praying, only to watch her vanish in a cloud of dust?"

Krishna laughed softly. "Yes, I can imagine the sight. But now that the dust has settled, what are you going to do about your own upcoming wedding?"

Anya's eyes widened in panic. "Krishna, help me! They’re not listening to me at all! I tried to protest, but they’re all caught up in the excitement. And Duryodhan over there," she discreetly gestured towards him, "is giving me the death stare! I swear he thinks I’m the mastermind behind the elopement. What if he’s plotting revenge?"

Krishna’s eyes twinkled as he looked over at Duryodhan. "Ah, Duryodhan. He certainly has a brooding air about him, doesn’t he? But don’t worry, Anya. I don’t think he’s planning anything too dangerous... yet."

Anya threw her hands up. "Oh, great! ‘Not too dangerous yet’—just what I wanted to hear!"

Anya's ancient antics: a mahabharat taleWhere stories live. Discover now