chapter 22

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The next morning arrived, and with it, Dushala’s departure from Indraprastha. The air was heavy with farewells, but Anya was determined to keep the atmosphere light, her usual playful nature shining through.

As Dushala hugged Draupadi, the latter smiled warmly and said, “Take care, Dushala. Remember, if you ever need us, we are always here for you.”

Pandavas step forward and bid their sister a good bye with well wishing

Dushala chuckled. “Thank you, brother.”

Then, Anya bounced forward, grinning from ear to ear. “Dushala, before you leave, I have one last thing to say!”

Dushala blinked, confused. “What is it?”

Anya leaned in, her voice dramatic. “Remember, when you get to Hastinapur, don’t forget to say hello to the pigeons for me. They always looked like they were plotting something.”

Dushala burst out laughing. “Pigeons? Really, Anya?”

Anya nodded, dead serious. “Yes, I suspect a grand pigeon conspiracy. But I can’t prove it yet.” She then waved her hand dramatically. “But don't worry! I’ll investigate from here. You just keep an eye out for suspicious feathers.”

Everyone around them laughed, and Dushala, wiping away a tear of laughter, hugged Anya tightly. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too, but don’t worry. If anyone gives you any problems, I’ll fly over on a pigeon and rescue you!”

Dushala laughed again, shaking her head. “You’re impossible.”

With all the goodbyes said, Dushala finally left with her entourage, her heart feeling lighter thanks to Anya's antics.


Later, Draupadi received a letter from her father, and Anya, practically bouncing with excitement, rushed over. “Draupadi! Draupadi! Open it! I need to know what your handsome brother said!”

Draupadi smiled, slowly unfolding the letter. “Calm down, Anya. You’re more excited than anyone.”

Anya clutched her hands to her chest dramatically. “Of course, I am! He’s so handsome and princely! I need to know his opinion.”

Just then, Nakul, feeling a wave of jealousy, crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Anya, don’t you think *I* am the most handsome man in Aryavart?”

Anya turned to him with a flat expression. “Nope. My brother Krishna is the most beautiful.”

Nakul blinked, taken aback. “Krishna?”

Anya, now pondering, said, “Where is my brother anyway?”

At that moment, a familiar dramatic voice called out, “Oh, so now you remember me, dear sister? After you’ve been busy admiring other men?”

Anya turned around to see Krishna entering the room with his usual flair. She crossed her arms, playfully pouting. “I was busy with important matters, Brother! You know, matchmaking!”

Krishna chuckled, walking closer to her. “Important, huh? More like causing mischief, as usual.”

Anya grinned cheekily. “I’d call it creative problem-solving.”

Meanwhile, Draupadi finished reading the letter and smiled warmly. “Well, it seems my brother liked Dushala. He said yes to the marriage.”

Anya’s eyes widened with excitement. “Whoa, that was fast!”

Draupadi chuckled. “He did have his reservations at first, given that Dushala is Duryodhan’s sister. But I told him about her nature and showed him her portrait. That helped him decide.”

Anya jumped up, clapping her hands. “This is amazing! Everything is falling into place!” Then, she paused, looking around and realizing she hadn’t told everyone about her plans. “Wait, I only told Kunti Ma and Draupadi about this. So, everyone… I have something to—”

Before she could finish, Yudhishthir spoke with a smile. “We know already, Anya. Draupadi told us.”

Anya sighed dramatically. “I wanted to make a grand announcement! Oh well. Thanks, Draupadi.”

Arjun, who had been listening quietly, stepped forward, a serious look on his face. “So, what’s your next plan, Anya? Duryodhan will never accept this marriage, you know.”

Anya grinned mischievously. “Simple! We abduct Dushala before her wedding and marry her off to Drishtadyumna! After they’re married, no one can do anything, right, Brother?”

Krishna chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re impossible, Anya. Always thinking of the boldest solutions.”

Yudhishthir, ever the cautious one, frowned. “That could harm the reputation of Hastinapur. Duryodhan will be furious, and he might march on Panchal with an army.”

Krishna, ever wise, said calmly, “He may get furious, but he will have no choice but to accept the marriage. He cannot harm his own sister’s husband without facing severe backlash.”

Yudhishthir considered this, then nodded slowly. “If Dushala and Drishtadyumna are married, Duryodhan’s hands will be tied.”

Anya clapped her hands together. “Exactly! Problem solved!”

Krishna smiled warmly at his sister. “Now that this is settled, there’s another matter. Yudhishthir, it is time for you to prepare for the Rajasuya Yajna. We must make Indraprastha an independent kingdom.”

Yudhishthir looked at him seriously. “You’re right. It’s time.”


**Meanwhile, in Hastinapur…**

Duryodhan sat in his chambers with Mama Shakuni, Karn, and Dushasana. The conversation revolved around Dushala’s marriage to King Jayadrath.

"Her marriage to Jayadrath will strengthen our political power," Duryodhan said, his voice calm but resolute. "The Sindhu Kingdom is a key ally, and with this alliance, our influence will grow."

Shakuni grinned slyly. "Indeed, Duryodhan. King Jayadrath’s loyalty will ensure your dominance in the north."

Karn, however, frowned slightly. "But is Dushala happy with this marriage? Shouldn’t her happiness come first?"

Duryodhan’s expression softened, and he leaned back in his chair, sighing. "Karn, you know how much I care for Dushala. She is my only sister. I want her happiness above all." He paused, thinking deeply. "But becoming the Queen of Sindhu will give her status, power, and security. She will be protected."

Shakuni nodded in agreement. "As queen, she will live a life of luxury. Jayadrath will treat her well. And with the political power she gains, she will have everything she needs."

Dushasana chimed in. "Dushala is a strong woman. She’ll understand the importance of this alliance. It’s for the family’s greater goods "

Duryodhan nodded at his brother .His thoughts then shifted to Anya, and a small, rare smile tugged at his lips. He remembered her wide eyes, her nervous fidgeting, and her quick wit. "My scared little rabbit," he muttered under his breath. "I wonder what mischief you’re causing now. I hope you’re alright."

Shakuni raised an eyebrow. "What’s that, Duryodhan?"

Duryodhan snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head. "Nothing, Mama. Just a thought."

But even as the conversation shifted back to politics, Duryodhan’s mind lingered on the memory of Anya. She had been a bright, surprising presence in his life, and he found himself hoping—just for a moment—that she was safe and happy wherever she was.

What do you think guys ? how Duryodhan will react knowing Anya’s plan?😁

Anya's ancient antics: a mahabharat taleWhere stories live. Discover now